Browsing: Marvel

Marvel Now! is (again) re-launching titles and starting with new number ones. This includes many of the X-books with the big one being All New X-Men. But can this book succeed in bringing new readers into the complicated world of the X-Men? Major Spoilers looks at the latest issue to find out.

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Or – “WOO WOOOOOO! MASS DESTRUCTION! By the time of this issue, The New Defenders have barely made a name for themselves, but they’ve NEVER seen anything like.. THE WALRUS! And neither have we…  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review awaits!

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Or – “Okay…  This Looks Bad.” Matt Fraction’s impeccable writing on Immortal Iron Fist a few years ago has given him almost unlimited carte blanche to get me reading his projects.  He followed that by doing the impossible and making Iron Man palatable after the Civil War debacle, and has been making the adventures of Clint Barton (often mocked as the most ridiculous of the Avengers, thanks to his super-power of “archery”) into must-read material.  How will he pull Hawkeye & Hawkeye’s fat out of the fire after last month’s cliffhanger?  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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Grumblings have been heard throughout Hollywood about a Fantastic Four reboot for months with pieces and tid-bits of information becoming right and wrong all along the way. With a director attached in July, Fox has officially announced a release date and they sure have picked an interesting date. Take the jump for the info.

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Disney put out a new trailer for Iron Man 3 in Japan yesterday and it has a few more shots than we had in our American trailer. Check out all the explosions below! [youtube] I still never quite understand why different countries have different shots in their trailers but as long as we keep seeing more footage it’s fine with me.

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Or – “Relaunch-O-Rama!” I’ve been a comics reader for a long time, but the current method of operations at the Big Two leads itself to a lot of cyclical patterns.  This issue is the second Avengers #1 in the last three years, and the fourth or fifth overall, but, coming at the characters peak of popularity, it kind of makes sense to relaunch this book right now.  The big question, though, is what Marvel is going to do to differentiate this from the last ten years of Bendis-driven Avengers stories…  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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In this issue: Matthew is MIA, Iron Man is at War, and Zach has never seen Star Trek! All this, and Red Ten, too! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Show Notes after the Jump!

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Uncanny by definition means strange and mysterious in a disturbing way; it’s an appropriate word for this roster of Avengers: Havok, Captain America, Thor, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, and Wolverine. Brought together by Captain America to promote mutant and human co-existence, they combat a renewed fear and hatred for the mutant rebirth. However, with these heroes still distrustful of one another, can Havok, their appointed leader, unite them against an old powerful foe, the Red Skull?

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Totally digging the new Hawkeye series from Marvel, and if you are digging on it too, check out the sneak peek for issue #6 that arrives in December.

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