Browsing: Major Spoilers

Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week, it’s a Munchkin Minute: Steve Jackson Games had several announcements at GenCon 2014, and Stephen just received Munchkin Legends 2: Faun and Games.

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There are a lot of concepts in comics that people deride as “silly” or “goofy”, without realizing that it’s a matter of execution that makes characters succeed. (Yes, this is a rant triggered by backlash against Howard The Duck, why do you ask?)  The idea of a man in a pointy hat fighting crime isn’t inherently cool, but Batman has more fans than a Costco warehouse in mid-August.  The idea of a bulletproof man from another planet who has come to fix the problems with Earth could be a description of the mighty hero known as Superman, but it also…

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One of the wonderful parts of living where I do is the fact that, during my commute each day, I pass what seems to be an abandoned Mystery Machine (as seen above) outside of the potato chip factory.  It’s one of those moments that is weirdly enjoyable in its randomness, and reminds me that even the most mundane setting can have elements of fantasy in it, making me think of a middle-aged Freddy making Doritos all day, then slogging home to a fiftyish Daphne who is addicated to diet pills and secretly having an affair with Velma.  Not all real-life…

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Not too long ago, based on remarks by James Gunn about his plans for the sequel to ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’, your humber MS-QOTD wondered what comic-book Guardians you, the Faithful Spoilerites, wanted to see make their way to the screen.  Given that there are a couple dozen Guardians, it’s a rough decision.  Then again, depending on who is counting, there are more than ONE HUNDRED official members of the Avengers, Marvel’s other powerhouse movie franchise, which leads us to echo the previous query with a variant edition… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would love to see Tigra realized…

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In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The Feywild doesn’t seem to like Orem that much, and is doing all it can to end him. NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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Zach is back, and he leads the group in a roundabout discussion of character development, media management, and what makes Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho so memorable.

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As a longtime fan of Marvel’s Ghost Rider, I was naturally intrigued some years ago when they announced a film adaptation of his adventures.  The resulting movie cast an actor far too old for the role (in the name of marquee value) and had some strange issues with plot & pacing, but was overall kind of mundane, the last thing one would expect from a film about a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle.  That said, I still might enjoy a weekly series with Johnny Blaze riding the highway and having adventures ala ‘Supernatural’, which leads to today’s incendiary query… The…

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When I was younger, I always wanted t-shirts with my favorite hero symbols on them, especially The Flash, but they were never available.  Ironically, as I have aged, such products have become more and more common, but were too expensive when I was broke in college, and too small for me to wear once I reached an age where I had money.  (This phenomenon is known as the middle-class fortyish fat guy’s lament.)  Still, these days, even a man of my girth has access to Superman, Green Lantern and Flash merchandise, a veritable plethora of options, which then leads me…

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