Browsing: Major Spoilers

With the news that Tom (Loki) Huddleston might be in talks to play Morpheus and that Tom Hardy (who played Bane in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’, commanded the Royal Navy at The Battle of Cape St. Vincent and wrote ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’) would be returning to a comic book property as Rick Flagg in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie, the cynical part of my mind concluded that Hollywood would from now on be using the same guys over and over in everything.  Robert Downey Jr. will be Reed Richards with Ioan Gruffudd as Kang The Conqueror and Val Kilmer…

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Top Five James Bond Films Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. Because you asked for it – The Top Five James Bond Films! Are there really more than five great James Bond films? Matthew, Stephen, and guests Jason Inman and Ashley Victoria Robinson run down their faves.

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I say it all the time: “{Cool thing} happened?  Is it my birthday?”  Once a year or so, it’s actually true, not mentioning any specific dates (*coughDecemberSeventeenthcough*), but certain things always make me feel like the guest of honor: A new issue of Madman, date night with Mrs. Cobra, finding a back-issue that I’ve been searching out forever.  Recently, all three of those have happened in quick succession, as well as getting a tank of gas for under $2.00 per gallon.  To be honest, my inner cynic is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but at least it…

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If you’re a follower of the Compleat Major Spoilers Experience™, you follow the Major Spoilers crew on social media, and you know that lately I’ve been amusing myself with various mixing and matching super-heroes into themed collections, illuminating even the darkest corners of super-fiction with the light of nerdery… Welcome to Ten Things!

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We talked about it briefly on a previous issue of the Major Spoilers Podcast – you know, when the site was down – but I’m really interested in finding out what the World Wide Major Spoilers Fan Base thinks of casting rumors surrounding the upcoming Suicide Squad movie.  Though we don’t report rumor as fact, I find it fascinating that Oprah Winfrey is being sought after as the big screen’s (second) Amanda Waller. VOTE! [poll id=”365″]

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week, some very cool things are available from Steve Jackson Games in the coming weeks and months, and Stephen gives you an update on what has been happening with the site, and how you can help.

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When it comes to adapting comics, filmmakers are always at a disadvantage.  In the time it takes to make a single film, 20 to 30 issues of comics can be generated, and often, even if creators TRY to match their depictions, there will always be differences.  Wrangling actors can be even harder, with Christian Bale visibly aging throughout his Batman trilogy, and Hugh Jackman showing a lot of wear for a seemingly-immortal character like Wolverine.  When Ryan Reynolds finally gets his Deadpool movie, he will be nearly 40 years old, while reports are that Marvel Comics’ negotiations with Sony to…

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This week, Marvel Comics big event comic, “Axis”, changed a long-term point of Marvel continuity, seemingly in order to bring the universe in line with the movie world of The Avengers.  (I won’t spoil it here, but I will say that it is a long-held piece of Avengers lore.)  While it’s clear that the movies have a MUCH larger and broader audience, comics fans have voice loud irritations over the change, which was itself a retconned storyline back in the 1980s.  For my part, I have a similar problem when the Johnny Blaze version of Ghost Rider is given the…

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