Browsing: Gaming

Sony Online Entertainment has officially announced Marv Wolfman as a collaborator on the upcoming DCU Online MMORPG game.  In addition to the press release, you’ll want to take the jump to see a whole new round of images from the game (remember to click the thumbnails for the larger view).

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Because if IGN doesn’t make a spoof now, Hollywood will actually make a Dig Dug movie later.

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Nothing can stop the mighty juggernaut that is World of Warcraft!  Funcom, the creators of the Age of Conan MMORPG have announced it is closing 60% of the games servers around the world. The reduction is more dramatic in North America and the Oceanic regions, where 24 servers are being merged into just six. In the US, only one player-versus-player server and two player-versus-environment servers will remain, with each combining the populations of six or seven existing servers. In Europe, 12 servers will remain, due to the need to provide a variety of server types in each of four languages.…

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I really don’t know what to think about this prequel video game for the upcoming Watchmen movie.  I’m sure Alan Moore is simply spinning like a dervish over this. There’s certainly a lot of fighting and action going on, but I really can’t tell what the story is about.  Fighting and action, I guess. via MTV

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I knew Kristin cut her hair real short, but wow.. I almost didn’t recognize her in the video.  In the interview, she talks at the Spike Video Game awards about why she did the upcoming Street Fighter movie. If you are expecting her to be a video game wizard, guess again… via Spoiler TV

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This week, we offer up another series of After Show Discussion shows. These are conversations the Major Spoilers Crew have outside of the normal show, and range from sex in comics to our favorite animated features. In this installment (recorded September 16, 2008), it wouldn’t be a bonus week if it didn’t contain game talk. Rodrigo reviews Spore, Matthew talks up Kingdom of Loathing, and the trio discuss why DC Universe Online works or doesn’t. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Contact us at Music from this episode comes from Ookla the Mok. You can…

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If you ever wondered what a real life version of Quidditch would look like, check out what some college students are doing.  My favorite is the guy playing the Snitch.

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Only a few more days before the highly hyped games comes to stores allowing everyone to play a few of their favorite DC characters.

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Man, now I wish I hadn’t given away all those HeroClix.  Suddenly I think they’ll be that much more valuable, especially if Topps decides HeroClix aren’t viable in the long run. Press Release The Topps Company announced today that WizKids will immediately cease operations and discontinue its product lines. Scott Silverstein, CEO of Topps, said “This was an extremely difficult decision. While the company will still actively pursue gaming initiatives, we feel it is necessary to align our efforts more closely with Topps current sports and entertainment offerings which are being developed within our New York office.” Upon notifying our…

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Many readers have been wondering what’s up with the story behind the Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe game.  Well today you have your answer as Midway Games has released the first story trailer for the game.  Learn how Superman can get his butt handed to him, and just how the two universes are connected.

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I expect as November 16th draws ever near, we’ll see even more stuff from Midway Games hyping the Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe video game for Playstation 3, and the XBox 360.  Take the jump for a look at all new screen shots of characters in action.  Oh yes, there will be blood.

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