Browsing: Feature

Gift cards suck.  No one wants to give or receive a pair of socks.  And heaven forbid you rush out the night before the big gift exchange day in a desperate attempt to find that special something.   This holiday season, Major Spoilers brings you our rundown of holiday gifts that will rock that special pop culture loved one’s world.

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Cue White Rabbit If you aren’t from a distant planet, aren’t getting your powers from a special device, and aren’t gifted with cunning and skill beyond those of the everyday man on the street, your chances of becoming a super-hero are pretty slim.  These limitations have vexed the normals of the DC Universe, prompting scientists – mad and sane alike – to develop drugs to give them powers to fight (or commit) crime. Take the jump to discover the Top 10 Drugs, available for a price, in the DC Universe.

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When not doing voice work for such video games as Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Crispin Freeman makes time to do voice over work for animated features and television shows. You can catch his latest work this weekend on The Spectacular Spider-Man animated series.

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