Browsing: Feature

We’re roughly thirty days away from the launch of Apple’s much-talked-about iPad.  While the device looks like a flattened iPod, its potential to revolutionize the way we consume media is staggering.  One of the more interesting aspects of the iPad is the ability to read comic books at nearly the same size as the printed version.  While other e-books only have black-and-white displays, the iPad’s color screen could radically change the way we read and access comics. I’ve talked before about digital comics and how an effective electronic color reader could change the way we access and enjoy comic books. …

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“How did someone like you get into comics?” I am often asked this question whenever people discover that I am a comic geek. I find it an odd question and I’m not entirely sure what they mean by “someone like you”. I assume they are referring to the fact that I am a woman but many times the conversation shifts and focuses on my looks. Whatever the case, it’s funny when people say how impressed they are that I know who Geoff Johns is or that I can name a particular Batman: The Animated Series episode by title. I’m not…

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The 10th annual Baltimore Comic-Con took place October 10th and 11th at the Baltimore Convention Center in Maryland.  This was my first year attending the show and also marked the first time I would be wearing my Supergirl outfit to a convention (my only other public appearance was at a grand opening of a comic store). I was also pretty excited about Major Spoilers “Spot the cosplayer” contest and wondered if anyone would recognize my boyfriend and I from the site.

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I’ve got to be the collectible market’s dream come true.  I seem to have an obsessive compulsive disorder that makes me a completest, as once I start collecting something, I’m driven to continue purchasing those items until the collection is complete.  As someone who went through the 1990s rise and fall of the speculation market, it’s also been ingrained into my head that limited edition items should be kept mint on the card or mint in the box if one wants to have any hope of selling the items for a profit in the future.  Having been on a major…

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At first Ultimatum sounded like an awful idea – kill off as many characters in the Ultimate Universe in hopes of shaking things up and bringing readers back to the series that got people interested in Marvel again.  To make matters worse, Marvel opted to go with someone other than Brian Michael Bendis to pen the epic disaster series, which was odd in itself as Bendis has done so much for the Ultimate Universe, it should have been up to him to bring it all crashing down around everyone’s head.  With the final issue of the Ultimatum series, and all…

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I’m often asked how I got into the hobby of cosplay and surprisingly enough my answer is simple; I saw something that I wanted to try, loved it and have been cosplaying now for the past three years. The first exposure I had to the wonderful world of cosplay were photos of a beautiful Japanese woman dressed as Rikku from the video game Final Fantasy X. I was intrigued that someone put so much time and detail into the outfit. She truly looked like Rikku come to life which instantly captured my imagination. How much fun it must be, I…

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Are you stumped for what you want your next D&D 4e character to be? Wish you could somehow adapt one of your favorite characters to a medieval, high fantasy setting? Look no further, in this series I’ll be taking Frank L. Baum’s beloved characters and turning them into D&D badasses. You may also want to check out the first installment of the Oz series, in which I translate Dorothy and Toto into D&D types.

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Magic 2010, or M10 premiered last weekend. I had the chance to go to a couple release events and finally got a chance to play this highly anticipated and somewhat controversial new set.

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From comic to feature film to animated short story, screenwriter Alex Tse has played an essential role in helping transition WATCHMEN beyond its initial incarnation. Ironically, when it came to bringing the graphic novel’s classic story-within-a-story, WATCHMEN: TALES OF THE BLACK FREIGHTER, Tse wrote the screenplay without knowing what that final incarnation would be.

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The heroes of the Republic have repeatedly beaten back the assaults orchestrated by the evil Separatist forces, but an entirely new threat – lethal mercenary Cad Bane – will emerge from the shadows in “Hostage Crisis,” the thrilling conclusion to the first season of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS, airing at 9 p.m. ET/PT Friday, March 20 on Cartoon Network. Count Dooku seeks to spring a Separatist prisoner from Republic captivity, but his profile prevents him from getting close enough to set in motion his malevolent plan. Enter Cad Bane, the galaxy’s most fearsome bounty hunter, as ruthless as he…

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Ever since he took up drawing Catwoman covers for DC Comics, I can’t think about Selina Kyle without thinking about Adam Hughes.  One of my favorite artists of all time, Hughes finds Ms. Kyle one of his favorites too. I miss drawing Selina. It sure was fun with her; lots of different moods. She’s the quintessential femme fatale. And YES, I’m aware the she resembles Audrey Hepburn, LOL. My personal inspiration for Selina Kyle is Ms. Hepburn, circa 1954-57. My favorite face ever. My personal inspirational cocktail for Catwoman is: 70% young Audrey Hepburn 20% Liz Taylor from CAT ON…

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In issue #71 of the Major Spoilers Podcast, we ran down our Goats and Gods of 2008.  In one of my gods categories, I listed five comics that I enjoyed very much in 2008.  Here’s a more detailed breakdown of my faves.

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Jedi Master Kit Fisto steps from the shadows of the live-action films and into a Separatist trap in “Lair of Grievous,” an all-new episode of the hit animated series STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS, premiering at 9 p.m. ET/PT Friday, Dec. 12, on Cartoon Network. In the episode, General Grievous must prove himself worthy of the Separatists after repeatedly being defeated by the Jedi. As a test for his cyborg subordinate, Count Dooku lures Jedi Master Kit Fisto and Fisto’s former Padawan, Nahdar Vebb, to Grievous’ enclave as deadly sport for the Separatist general. Episode writer Henry Gilroy says he’s…

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