I’m a total technophile, so when I started playing Dungeons and Dragons I immediately wanted to find out how I could make my life easier with my various devices. Turns out there are lots of different helpful tools for both Android and iOS if you’re a tabletop gamer!
Browsing: Feature
Bodie Troll is a new all ages comic from Red 5 hitting the shelves in April and Major Spoilers took an advanced look to see what it’s all about.
Now that you have had a chance to look at all the five star books reviewed by the Major Spoilers staff, it’s time to break the numbers down, and name the best comic books of 2012.
After looking at the nine months of 2012, it’s finally time to take a look a the last quarter of the year and see what books received the Major Spoilers Five Star designation.
You’ve already read part one and part two, that takes a look at the books that received the Major Spoilers Five Star Rating, and we continue today with the two very big months of August and September.
We’ve already taken a look at books that received the Major Spoilers Five Star Rating for the first four months of 2012, and today we continue the journey through the year that was with a look at even more books that received five stars.
Thanks to a fine Major Spoilerite, we have an updated database of all of the reviews written for the site, in an easy to digest and analyze format. Since 2012 is officially over, it’s time to take a look back at those issues that earned the Major Spoilers Five Star Rating.
Chas Worthington III, a modern-day Sam Houston, has begun to explore his new garbage island and, beyond his measurements of depth and density he’s come across the last thing he expected to find on the Great Pacific Gyre: People. Read on in this Major Spoilers review.
If you are planning to head to San Diego for Comic-Con 2012, you will need a costume that sets you apart from the crowd. Store-bought costumes are an easy choice, but chances are that at least one other attendee will be wearing the exact same outfit. You may think about making your own costume at home, but crafting a suitable costume from scratch can be a daunting and time-consuming task. To get the best of both worlds, consider combining various store-bought elements to create your own unique look for Comic-Con.
As Television viewers, comic book readers and video game players we are used to experiencing a final product. We all know that a telecomicgame can go through thousands of iterations before being released, but largely once you hold a piece of media in your hands you know that it has been finalized. However, successful properties often continue to grow; spawning sequels, spin-offs and adaptations. When this happens the themes of the franchise may begin to shift, causing design elements to transform to match the expanding medium. At this stage the creators cannot go back to the drawing board, as the…
It’s been six months since DC shook the comic industry and gave it a much needed boost. Six months and six issues later, and we’ve seen (or nearly seen) the completion of the first story arcs. While some of the titles have already been announced as being canceled, we thought it was time to take another look at the New 52 and see where we stand on each of the titles.
Or – “I Just Can’t Decide On This Book…” FF has been a very strange reading experience for me thus far. The first four issues were must-reads, but for some reason the return of Black Bolt left me cold. Will this issue fall on the side of “VIP” or “WTF?” (You’ll only know if you click the jump…)
Dan DiDio, Bob Wayne, Jim Lee, and others are traveling around the country talking with comic book retailers about the new DC Relaunch and how it affects them. Along the way, we’re picking up bits and pieces of what is changing and what is staying the same. One thing to keep in mind, when JLA #1 arrives, the word Superhero doesn’t exist yet in the DCU.
Over the last decade, statues have been fighting comic books and trade paperbacks for shelf space in the Major Spoilers Nerd Room of Doom. There’s something about a three dimensional sculpt that brings the four color character to life. But what good are these statues (limited run, mass produced, and so on), if you can’t share their beauty with others? This week, we kick off a really long series of galleries of some of the statues in our vast collection, and we’re starting with the Women of the DC Universe.