In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!
Browsing: Critical Hit
Listen, learn, and laugh along with the members of the Critical Hit Podcast. The continuing saga of four adventurers seeking fortune and glory in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Plenty of role playing and fun for anyone interested in the D&D experience. Newbies or seasoned vets will get a kick out of this live campaign.
Critical Hit is a real play podcast that uses the Dungeons and Dragons 4 edition (D&D4e) for the primary gameplay.
The players also use the FATE system, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and D&D5e for various campaigns.
In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: If you are looking for the arcane, look no further than the Bronze-Turtle Advocates.
While visiting the Mootlands, enjoy your stay at the magnificent House of Cloud. Check out the knickknacks, and enjoy a night of interesting dreams.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The team says farewell to the Everdeep Forest and enters the Mootlands, where they learn more about the Seven Clans Total Control Area.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: An apology of sorts, Orem takes a bath, and listeners are invited to participate in a game of dice.
Welcome to a special Series in which I discuss the house rules I have in place for Critical Hit, today we’re diving right into the most complicated one, stealth. I’ll warn you now, there’s some serious rules crunch ahead.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Will the party survive the latest conflict?
Welcome to a special series in which I discuss the house rules I use for Critical Hit. Today we’ll cover one of the simplest, yet most controversial rule I’ve implemented. It deals with blasts and bursts.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: We haven’t talked about leveling up in a while, so Stephen, Rodrigo, and Matthew chat about Level 13 and a few other questions that get asked a lot.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: A monkey lizard failure means trouble in the canyon for the entire party.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: It’s time to take on the Monkey Lizards. NOTE: Some pre-show content can be found over at the Members Only site ( for our Silver and Gold members.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The team prepares their assault on the monkey lizard lair.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Time once again to catch up with you and your questions.
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party discovers what has happened to Trelle’s family.