Browsing: Comics Portal

You may have noticed that there’s been a reduced amount of comics news happening recently (the BOOM!/Archaia merger notwithstanding), but the flow of information from many comics companies seems to have slowed down significantly. Why is that? There’s this “little” event called the San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) happening from July 18 to 21, and it’s to blame!

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I was surprised at the recent news that BOOM! Studios had acquired Archaia Entertainment. I enjoy the product both have created and look forward to seeing that continue since the latter will now be an imprint of BOOM!

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For years, comic books have suffered from what has been called “trade paperback-itis.” Many stories have been told in the exact number of issues made to fit inside a “graphic novel” or “trade” format. Well, it seems like times, they might be a-changing.

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It may come as a surprise to some folks, but even I can’t keep current on everything I’m interested in! So, when I actually got some free time recently, I dug into my stack of unread trades and pulled out some stories about women that I hadn’t yet experienced. I thought I’d share my reactions to them with you this week, but be warned – they were released some time ago!

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In the last couple of years, I’ve attended more comics and sci-fi conventions than I ever have before! This year, I’ll be attending my usual local SF cons (geek-speak shortening for “conventions”), including Farpoint and Shore Leave, both located north of Baltimore in Maryland. I’ve been going to those for years! However, I ventured out into unfamiliar territory by going to cons in San Diego and New York City during 2011. I found they are much bigger events than I’m used to. I knew going into them that they would be learning experiences, and boy, were they!

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The movie of the summer for me will be Man of Steel, and I can’t wait until it swoops into theaters on June 11. I think the commercials look awesome! (I did enjoy Iron Man 3, by the way!) Word has it that Henry Cavill will appear in the upcoming Justice League film, so if Man of Steel is a big success, maybe Superman can help launch the long-desired JL movie. Since we have some time to consider how to move forward, what’s the best thing to do? Fortunately, I have a few ideas…

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I’ve always been a fan of when heroes from different universes meet (or clash, as the case may be). For instance, I would love to see a new Marvel/DC crossover take place. Justice League of America/Avengers is still one of my all-time favorite books!

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To anyone putting together a comics convention, it’s what you hope will never happen. The real world took out the Boston Comic Con over the weekend due to a fluid situation regarding chasing down a suspect in the bombing that took place during the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15.

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Now that Congress is taking up the issue of gun control due to recent violent events in the U.S., we can expect they’ll be looking for someone or something to blame these terrible occurrences on. Some already have come out and said that they think violent video games are at fault, desensitizing players using rapid-fire guns to murder large groups of “people.”

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It’s going to be a big comics-related summer, what with Man of Steel and Star Trek: Into Darkness filling out the season in local theaters. But the first movie based on a comics superhero will be Iron Man 3, and it will zoom into your neighborhood on Friday, May 3.

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Editor’s Note: Major Spoilers is happy to welcome Wayne Hall to the writing staff. Every Monday, Comics Portal presents Wayne’s thoughts on a comic event from the week before. Without further ado, Comics Portal! It’s important to know that I’m a big Batman fan. I’ve been following the Dark Knight since the first comic I ever read, which had Batman in England flying around a castle! Even as a kid, I remember thinking, “Wow! I have to read more of this!” Thus a lifelong passion was born!

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