Remember last week’s column when I said that change is a constant in the Doctor Who universe? Well, fortunately for us, change is also taking place in the Superman universe! As reported here at, two big talents in the comics industry are going to take their shot at Superman, hopefully making that title sparkle as it should!
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Change is a constant in the universe of Doctor Who. Every few years, the main character regenerates into a different person. For example, Matt Smith recently handed over the role to Peter Capaldi, a decidedly different actor, so we can expect The Doctor to move in another direction as a person as well. Another big change that recently took place was when the comics license for Who left IDW Publishing, a company that had a pretty successful run with that franchise, among others like Star Trek. Recently, it was announced that Titan Comics would now publish new comics adventures of…
Just visit your local grocery store and you’ll discover that Valentine’s Day is coming soon. I’m always happy when that holiday goes by because it means February is half over, that month bringing the worst weather of the year where I live on the East Coast. Second, I’m not a big fan of love stories.
Late last week via Conan O’Brien’s tweet, Bat-fans found out that the original Adam West/Burt Ward Batman series from the 1960s was heading to DVD! The show aired from 1966 to 1968, and while the motion picture based on the show has been available on DVD for some time, the weekly episodes have not. That makes this big news, especially with this being Batman’s 75th anniversary!
When you’ve read comics as long as I have – a really long time now – there are certain patterns I’ve noticed in how both Marvel and DC do certain things. One of those, which I honestly despise, is to replace a “name” hero with another person in the costume. I mean, come on – you just know the original person will be back. It’s only a matter of time.
“In 2015, the cosmic adventures of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca will make the lightspeed jump back to Marvel, to begin a new age of adventures within the Star Wars universe,” said a press release from Disney recently. It’s been big news here on as well as other comics news sources on the Internet. The question is, based on past performance, will that be a good thing?
The year 2013 may go down as one of the best years in comics in recent years. Every company was “upping their game,” and the quality of storytelling went up as well, in my opinion. To wrap up this year, I want to share what I consider the best of 2013 in several categories. I know some people list their top 5, 10 or even 100, but I’d rather just post what I consider the best, then mention others that I feel really made it a memorable year. That doesn’t mean I didn’t love a lot more product than you…
Tomorrow will be Christmas Day, so the gifts will be given, unwrapped and enjoyed. But as a comics reader, I’ve often found this holiday to be somewhat disappointing. And I’ve often spoken with other comics fans, and many of you share my problem with Christmas (or even birthdays, for that matter).
Something interesting is happening in comics these days – stories that actually end!
I read a lot of “whodunit” stories, and watch a lot of mystery shows on the tube. I have to know who is responsible for what happened, and why. My TiVo is chock full of detective shows. The puzzle I’m trying to solve these days is, when will ever I get the time to watch them?
To this day, I still can’t believe that Arrow is a show on The CW! Normally, programs on that channel are much more focused on relationships among teens and post-teens. Arrow, on the other hand, has its share of dialogue, but the action and the stories keep me gripped from episode to episode. This week, Barry Allen appears, and I can’t wait to see how they handle this hero-to-be. Then, too, Netflix is bringing Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist to live-action drama. And the Marvel movies are doing well at the box office.
There are no bad characters. Only bad writers. Or at least, writers who don’t know what to do with the characters.
Don’t get me wrong. I read a lot of comics every week. But as hard as it is to believe, sometimes comics just aren’t enough.
This Veterans’ Day holiday weekend has been a great way to remember those who served in the military to protect our freedoms. It also was a chance to catch Thor: The Dark World for the first time in theaters. It did well, the beneficiary of what was referred to by USA Today’s Scott Bowles as “The Avengers Effect.” He and several other columnists said that the latest Thor flick as well as Iron Man 3 received big boosts in ticket sales because of their being seen in The Avengers last year.