Browsing: art

I love going through the Deviant Art website to see what I can see.  And what I saw today was this Mister Miracle piece by Bob Strang.  If you like that, take the jump to see his version of Big Barda.

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Since Marvel is going with the Wolverine Appreciation Month (oddly enough the company came up with that idea AFTER we started running these Art Appreciation Moments of the Day), I figured we’d get into the gimmick by running some Wolverine art done by creators. This was supposed to be part of something bigger, He was having his hair cut by Mystic and stuff, and it was going to be great, and you would have loved it, and I would have been famous, and a studio would have hire me and stuff, But as motivation seems to be gone, I ll…

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I realize there are some people out there who really get into the anthropomorphized animals – or furries if you will.  Because of the holiday, and because I like a lot of his art, Phillip M. Jackson serves up some furry bunny for the day.

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I’m a huge fan of the web comics  Looking for Group and Least I Could Do by Ryan Sohmer and Lar deSouza.  I really dig Lar’s art style, so today we’re featuring one of his sketches as our Art Aprpreciation Moment.

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He’s the artist on the upcoming DC project The Wednesday Comics, a 12-part weekly that will run this summer, and features a supersized page format of 14″x20″.  Joe’s story will feature Green Lantern, with story by Kurt Busiek, and while some of his GL work has already popped up on the Intardwebz, I’m particularly found of his Yield for Snails bit he created. via Joe Quinones

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With the fourth installment of the Ultimate Wolverine vs. Ultimate Hulk title hitting shelves this week, I thought it might be interesting for a different take on the battle.  Today’s Art Appreciation Moment comes from Stepan Seijic (the guy currently doing art on Top Cow’s Witchblade).  Stepan’s art came as a suggestion from Major Spoilers reader Jerardo. via Comic Art Community

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While I love Dustin doing his thing in Detective Comics, I think it would be really interesting to see how he would handle Marvel’s Runaways series.  A new creator group is on board the series right now, but maybe, just maybe down the road, Dustin may have a chance to bring his version of Nico to life. i was at a hotgirl meeting this morning, and it was agreed- batwings instantly add 200% hotness. then the meeting was adjourned when we were raided by not so hot members with rat tails and pigfeet. via Deviant Art

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There have always been epic battles waged for the fate of the world, and today’s Art Appreciation Moment comes from Mark Brooks featuring characters the Rival Schools characters from Capcom and Udon’s Darkstalkers.

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As we wrap up this Wizard of Oz art appreciation week, it would be silly not to pay homage to the illustrator who kicked off the Oz drawings William Wallace Denslow all the way back in 1899. From the Wiki Denslow may have met Baum at the Chicago Press Club; both men were members. Besides The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Denslow also illustrated Baum’s books By the Candelabra’s Glare, Father Goose: His Book, and Dot and Tot of Merryland. Baum and Denslow held the copyrights to most of these works jointly. After Denslow quarreled with Baum over royalty shares from…

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Eventually it all returns to busty girls and robots.  This interpretation of the WOZ characters was done by Ryan Stegman for the cover of Midnight Kiss #2 published by Markosia. This is my interpretation of the characters from the Wizard of Oz if they suddenly became much tougher and grittier than in the movie.  This was actually the cover for issue 2 of Midnight Kiss and these characters play a HUGE role in the book.  If you look closely, you will notice that there is a shadow over the picture and frame, and a very slight reflection in the glass. …

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Press Release The second annual Comics for Cures Sketch Card auction is now taking place. Our premier event last year raised over seven thousand dollars for The American Cancer Society. People around the world bid on original pieces of comics and fantasy related artwork done at trading card size. Fans find it to be an affordable way to own a one-of-a-kind-piece of original art and a way to donate to a very worthy cause. This year’s e-bay auction runs through Saturday, April 4th. Over a thousand cards representing the donated work of hundreds of artists will be available. The contributors…

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