Valiant’s titles have been doing a bang up job of reinventing their characters from the 90’s. Bloodshot and Harbinger have been some of the best and now the inevitable crossover, Harbinger Wars, is taking place. It all ends here but does the final issue satisfy? Read on to find out!
Author: Wilson
BubbleGun #1 was a fun, fresh cyberpunk story full of action and cool characters. Does the fun and quality carry over in the latest issue? Read on to find out!
Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter novels have been a hit and the Showtime series has been an even bigger one. Now Lindsay has brought his devilish creation to Marvel, with an all-new story written by Lindsay himself. Major Spoilers sat down with some duct tape, plastic wrap and knives and gave it a look.
Marvel has teamed with Hyperion books to release novels showcasing two of the company’s heroines. One, The She-Hulk Diaries, has Jennifer Walters managing her personal, professional and super life. Does this foray into a new format work for the character? Major Spoilers cracked open the cover and had a read.
Aspen is celebrating its ten-year anniversary by rolling out ten new titles, each priced at $1.00. The first of these books is BubbleGun and I had the pleasure of an advanced read. Your review awaits!
Zenescope is probably best known for the provocative covers many, if not all, of their books sport. It seems like that trait is moving to their titles as well, as is prevalent with Screwed #1. This new book from creator Tyler Kirham is a modern day Frankenstein tale and Major Spoilers looks to see what it’s all about.
Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy have proven themselves as more than capable of great storytelling in the medium of comic books. Now, the two have teamed together to bring us The Wake, a new horror mini-series from Vertigo. Major Spoilers dives in deep to find out what lurks below.
Many of us would like to have super powers. But what if they were acquired through a sexually transmitted disease? Oh, and after contracting the virus you only have six months to live. That’s the premise behind Death Sentence, a new series, originally printed in Clint magazine, coming out in October from Titan Books. Major Spoilers has your advanced look.
Shockwave has always been the cold, emotionless and calculating Decepticon but not much has been known about his past. The latest issue of Robots In Disguise delves into the character and adds some new elements. Do those changes work or completely change the character? Find out after the jump!
We all know the story of “The Wizard of Oz” but what if the story took place in the Wild West? Legends of Oz: The Wicked West gave us that story. Now, Big Dog Ink is releasing a mini-series starring the Scarecrow. Major Spoilers looks at the second issue to see what it’s all about.
Tank Girl has been around for years, popping up on occasion to wreak havoc in the comic world. Solid State Tank Girl is her newest outing from Titan Comics. Does she still have her rebellious spark or has she settled down? Read on to find out!
Dynamite continues to bring back old pulp heroes this month with The Black Bat #1. Having never heard of the Black Bat before, I was curious to see just what this character is all about. Is this issue a worthwhile introduction to The Black Bat? Major Spoilers finds out!
Eponymous is a British comic that appears in VS Comics, a monthly digital book featuring various creators telling their stories. Eponymous is one of those stories, featuring action, drama and a female superhero. Major Spoilers looks at the first issue, collecting the first three chapters. Does it entertain? Your review awaits!
The End Times of Bram and Ben has been fantastic, delivering a fun, humorous story that has kept this reader guessing as to how it will all end. Well, the end is here my friend. But does it live up to expectations? Your Major Spoilers review has all the answers.