Author: Samantha Hett

Samantha has had many jobs throughout her life: Cowgirl, hostess, Landlady and Hedgehog Wrangler among others. Currently she is about to finish her MBA, we'll all meet for drinks afterwards.

Do you remember that last night before graduation? Feeling that, despite the pangs of sadness in your stomach, that you had to own this night – relish it before everything changes? Katy Weselcouch’s debut graphic novel The Floundering Time will definitely leave you revisiting that night with a poignant sense of nostalgia.

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When I first started writing this article I was wondering what Nintendo was doing wrong, why hadn’t they given the Wii the upgrades it needs? With sales steadily declining, and Kinect grabbing lots of attention, how could they expect to stay on top with a console that doesn’t even have HD? And so I started looking deeper, and after some research I came to a somewhat startling realization. Nintendo was doing everything right.

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