Not satisfied with successfully merging the worlds of superheroes and adult films, Vivid Entertainment and Axel Braun are going back for another dip in the Batman pool with Dark KnightXXX: A Porn Parody, shooting this weekend in Los Angeles. Take the jump to meet the cast that features everyone from Batgirl and Kathy Kane to Nightwing and Constantine. Constantine? Makes about as much sense as people dressed as superheroes getting on for your amusement…
Author: Jack Trigger
Want to see some LEGO bad-assery? Check out this stop motion video featuring a fight of epic proportions… and by proportions, I really mean an inch-and-a-half, ’cause that’s how big Minifigs are… See what I did there?
From the team that brought you the Internet sensation and hit adult movie “Simpsons – The XXX Parody” comes their follow-up live-action porn spoof of the hottest show on television, “Family Guy – The XXX Parody.”
Friend of the site, Tanya Tate, attended the Hollywood premiere of Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody a couple of weeks ago, and sent over some pictures from the event to share with our readers. If you ever wondered what an adult film release party looks like, the red carpet pics give you a pretty good clue of the fun had by all.
If you thought the adult film industry was done with with parodying popular comic book characters and properties, you don’t know the adult film industry very well. Vivid Entertainment (who just sent me the Star Wars XXX movie for review), has announced She-Hulk XXX and Thor XXX are both going before the lens later this month. Any guesses on who is going to play Jennifer Walters?
Fans of Vivid Entertainment, and those who are just waiting to see how far the adult film parody can go before a company steps in and tries to put a stop to it, can now check out Axel Braun’s Star Wars XXX, which is available online today.
I know we’ve shared information with you about the upcoming Tomb Raider porn parody, because we showed you the exclusive images from the set. Now there’s a SFW trailer for you to check out, and according to some reports, this is the Tomb Raider movie you’ve been waiting for. No, really… you’ve been waiting for this movie… Chanel Preston was made to play Croft.
Today, a look at Wonder Woman by Victoria Ying.
Taking a look at the search terms people are using to come to Major Spoilers, there are two things I have come to realize. Anything with XXX or adult film, guarantees I’ll hit the top spot in links, and second, people really, really, love anything Star Wars. Since the Star Wars XXX Porn Parody arrives next week, we might as well take a peek at the new trailer.
The adult film industry has been on the cutting edge of technology for years, but it has only been in the last couple of years, that the industry has realized the potential of tapping into the nerd/fan culture of superheroes in an attempt to boost sales and interest in performers and creative talent. We took a look at the complete AVN Awards 2012 nominations list to see just how many superhero/nerd culture films made the list.
Exquisite Films has announced the latest property to get the adult film treatment is the Tomb Raider franchise, with Tomb Raider XXX: An Exquisite Films Parody. Principal photography has wrapped, and we have exclusive pictures from the set.
The AVN Awards takes place January 21, 2012 in Las Vegas, and is the adult film industry equivalent of the Academy Awards. This year, Vivid Entertainment’s Spider-Man XXX: A Porn Parody has been nominated for 16 awards, including Best Cinematography and Best Director in the Parody category. Axel Braun, director, says part of the success of the film is due in part to the mainstream media coverage, and comic book professionals.
How do you make Green Lantern sexy? If you are VAMP TV, you get LeeAnna Vamp to don a shiny green bikini and dance around.
Nothing is more fun than PEZ dispensers… no really… seriously… how else do you scare the crap out of three year olds than by showing them a replica of their favorite characters that you then snap the neck of, revealing a chalky piece of candy? It’s a joy to do when waiting in the checkout line… try it… you’ll thank me later. Anyway, the new Amazing Spider-Man PEZ dispensers gives us a revealing look at The Lizard from the upcoming film.