Author: Colter Palen

Behold! The callused conceptions of a conceded mind whose depths have been caressed and convexed into contours unknown. It is I, the confused young coot with a carefully concocted conspiracy to take this corroded circle to the black chasms of my consciousness. There is no need to cower though, for I have contrived this coup to be an occurrence without cringing or crying. It will be a cause for celebration, an occasion and a careless campaign. So come and chart close behind your carnivorous corporal down this chilling crypt and consider not what you construe as inconsequential. Before crossing though, my comrades and cohorts, before we chance this correspondence, let me introduce myself, and I must confess that it is considerably copacetic to meet you. My name is Colter.

Since its initial release, Little Big Planet has amassed a sizable fan-base and nestled itself as one of the cornerstone PS3 exclusives. Now I should probably mention that I haven’t played the first Little Big Planet, or any PS3 exclusive for that matter. It’s not that I’m anti-PS3 or anything; I just never got around to buying the system. Still haven’t. In fact, this review is being done on a friend’s borrowed console, but maybe that means I have the advantage in reviewing this game; my being completely ignorant of any fan-boy preconceptions means that I’ll be free to write…

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It seems most movie games exist only as a ploy to milk consumers for every cent they’re worth. Timing is crucial for these games, because their sales die with the associated movie’s hype. As a result, fans end up with a lackluster product that leaves them feeling betrayed and full of gamer rage. In the last few years though, the gaming community has seen a rise of “fan-service” games that do the movies and the characters justice. These games include Batman: Arkham Asylum, Ghostbusters: The Videogame, and Transformers: The War for Cybertron.  Now, Telltale Games, creators of the Sam &…

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