Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

Dynamite Entertainment has released information regarding the second of the planned three crossover events with Top Cow with Darkness vs. Eva: Daughter of Dracula #2.

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If you’ve been waiting for the 100 issue of Nexus, you’ll have to wait a little while later. Everything that could possibly go wrong with the production and publication of the long awaited Nexus 100 has. We announced 2 weeks ago that the print run was unacceptable and the printer, was reprinting the run. The 56-page Nexus 100 should now arrive in stores on February 27, 2008. via Steve Rude

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Marvel has announced it is working with the original team that brought you Dark Tower to bring you an untold tale that was only hinted at in the Stephen King novels. Depending on your point of view, the Dark Tower series did a lot to bring non-comic readers into comic shops around the country. Roland Deschain and his ka-tet are fighting for their very survival! With the Big Coffin Hunters on the trail of these friends, plus visions of Susan’s death dancing in Roland’s head, what else could go wrong? Well…Roland’s in a coma and the people who burned Susan…

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Tom Spurgeon has an excellent interview with Valerie D’Orazio of Occasional Superheroine fame and current President of Friends of Lulu that you need to read. SPURGEON: Is there any issue in the last three years that you think has been underplayed? Overplayed? D’ORAZIO: I understand a lot of the outrage some readers have about stuff like T&A in comics. But this stuff is never going away. The primal need to look at a pair of breasts is never going away. Now, saying something like “I don’t want this cherished comic book heroine to be a slut” or “kids shouldn’t read…

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According to a post at the Titans Go forum, DC is dropping Teen Titans Go! with issue #55. Those who have subscribed to the series will instead receive the new series Tiny Titans beginning in June. Major Spoilers received an advanced copy of Tiny Titans last week, and it isn’t bad, but it also isn’t the angsty Teen Titans Go! title we have come to enjoy. The first issue of Tiny Titans arrives this week (February 13), and we’ll have a kid’s perspective of the series in a couple of weeks. via Titans Go!

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I’m getting rather tired of these headlines. Yes, Captain Marvel #3 sold out before it even hit your local comic shop. Yes, I’m sure you will be able to find a copy at your LCS. And yes, I’m sure a second printing will be coming soon. So does this mean the Captain Marvel series will have answers to Secret Invasion? Marvel has sent Major Spoilers the covers to issues #3 – #5 along with release dates.

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Image Comics has sent another batch of sneak peeks for titles arriving this week. Take the jump for previews of The Next Issue Project #1: Fantastic Comics #24, Gutwrencher #1, and ’76 #2.

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Marvel Comics has announced The Twelve #2 has sold out the distributor level, making this the third issue in a row (counting issue #0) that has sold out. Marvel has not announced if it will go back to press, but considering the track record of reprints on this title, it is a pretty good bet The Twelve #2 will see a reprint issue. In the meantime, Marvel has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of the cover to issue #3 that “borrows” from the classic Doc Savage cover by James Bama.

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Following the success of the first Bakers title, Kyle Baker has a brand new title in stores called The Bakers: Babies & Kittens in a book-length format. “After the success of the previous collection, I really wanted to tackle a longer story,” said Baker. “Considering this is all based off my crazy household, there was no lack of material! It’s a true family comic, released in time to give to Mom this Valentine’s Day!” The Bakers: Babies & Kittens Like its previous volume, THE BAKERS: BABIES & KITTENS shines a spotlight on family life like no other graphic novel out…

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With all the fervor surrounding the “return” of Captain America, Marvel Comics is going back to press with a Director’s Cut version of the issue that should clear up some issues. Marvel is going back to press with Captain America #34 Director’s Cut, featuring the story that has everyone buzzing plus special bonus materials (including the script) providing readers with a look at the genesis of this instant classic! This issue also comes wrapped in a new cover featuring the dynamic interior art of Epting! The Captain America #34 Director’s Cut arrives March 12, 2008. via Marvel

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Well I’m sure this won’t endear Image Comics to the ComicsPRO folks, but the company will be selling an exclusive WonderCon variant cover to SCUD: The Disposable Assasin #21 at the show. “Ashley Wood, Jim Mahfood, Dave Hartman and Doug Tennapel have been big supporters since the beginning and it meant a lot to have them covering #21-24,” said creator Rob Schrab. “However, as I finished the final pages I couldn’t resist the itch to illustrate one last SCUD cover myself.” SCUD: The Disposable Assassin #21 SCUD: THE DISPOSABLE ASSASSIN #21 is the first of four issues detailing SCUD’s mission…

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Archie Comics has sent us a sneak peek of three of its upcoming titles including Archie & Friends #116, Betty and Veronica Spectacular #81, and Sonic the Hedgehog #185.

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