Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

What is going on? When the Major Spoilers Crew reviewed the first volume of The Umbrella Academy, it was pretty much agreed that this was a rocking series.  So when it was announced Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba were teaming up again for an all new adventure, I was on board for that mystery trip.  But man, is this series a head trip and a half.

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Here’s Rebecca Romijn reprising her role as Mystique in a classic moment from the long lost sitcom Mystique and Me, co-starring real life husband Jerry O’Connell. “Mystique is Pregnant” featuring Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijn by Jerry Minor

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Over at his blog, Matthew Sturges has officially announced a sequel to his novel Midwinter, something he alluded to on his appearance on the Major Spoilers Podcast. Since it’s been announced elsewhere, I guess it’s safe for me to announce that I’ve sold a sequel to Midwinter, which is tentatively titled The Office of Shadow. I pitched it as “a spy thriller set in Faerie” and I think that’s actually one of the most accurate elevator pitches I’ve ever come up with. It follows directly from the events of Midwinter, and will hopefully be released sometime around early 2010. Sturges…

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Arriving in stores this week is the latest installment of Captain America.  Marvel has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of the issue, that finds Bucky trying to keep a super weapon out of the hands of his enemies.

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Knowing it would be a hot property, Boom! Studios released its first issue of Farscape just in time to fill the holiday stocking of long time fans.  Even with two major holidays going on, the first issue by Rockne O’Bannon and Keith R.A. DeCandido sold out in just a week. “We are tracking the unfilled re-orders carefully at the moment. But a second printing looks like it may just happen,” said Marketing and Sales Director Chip Mosher. The series, picks up where the television mini-series The Peacekeeper Wars left off, so those who are looking to get their Farscape continuity…

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If you’ve read the latest issue of Ultimatum #2, you know that someone else on the list got his neck broken on the last page.  Let’s see, Wasp starts with W, and what letter comes after W? The $3.99 issue is still on sale, and is worth checking out if you are even remotely familiar with the characters in the Ultimate Universe. via Marvel

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In an attempt to show the world how great its titles are, Top Cow has announced an new initiative to begin in February of 2009, which will see the company give away thousands of comics throughout the year. “We feel strongly that Top Cow titles are the best they’ve ever been and it’s important for to invite readers and retailers to discover why,” explained Top Cow Publisher Filip Sablik. “While our competitors are straining the wallet of the average fan, Top Cow is making it easy to try new comics.” “Our stores always looks for great ways to promote comics…

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Warner Bros. isn’t taking the early ruling by Judge Gary Feess lightly, when it came out yesterday with a comment about the court case. “We respectfully but vigorously disagree with the court’s ruling and are exploring all of our appellate options,” the studio said. “We continue to believe that Fox’s claims have no merit and that we will ultimately prevail, whether at trial or in the Court of Appeals.” While Warner Bros. is coming out strong on this one – and why wouldn’t they, this movie is shaping up to the be big blockbuster of the year – the studio…

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Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled to be in stores January 2, 2009. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. This list was last updated December 29, 2008.

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Crossovers. Why’d it have to be crossovers? Crossovers are one of those occurrences in comics where a character from one title appears in the pages of another title and vice versa.  Generally, these events happen in the pages of titles from large publishers, and is a way to remind readers that the company’s universe is big and organic. Invincible, on the other hand, works perfectly well as a stand-alone universe in and of itself, so when characters begin to make more than a referential appearance in the pages, I get a bit concerned. Especially when the crossover features characters created…

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In this bonus episode, Rodrigo and Stephen continue their discussion on Heroes, X-Men, and what constitutes a rip-off vs. an homage. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Contact us at Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody’s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show! A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your…

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