This Wednesday, November 20th, is the 85th birthday of DC’s Winged Wonder, Hawkman! It’s time to look back over his high-flying career! Happy Hawkman Day!
Created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Dennis Neville, the original Hawkman first appeared in Flash Comics #1, published by All–American Publications in 1940.
Granted, I haven’t read every Hawkman adventure since even I’m not that old! But I’ve read Hawkman stories since I first opened a comics page, ever since Murphy Anderson was drawing him. That was admittedly some time back!
He was a space adventurer back in those early days, fighting hawks with human heads, among other alien menaces. I remember always wondering why he wore wings in space since they wouldn’t help him get around where there’s no air for those wings to flap in. But I have an affinity for winged heroes, so I didn’t let that bother me!
Since then, though, he’s gone through a lot of mutations in attempts to help his book sell. He’s been a big brute with a mace, an alien cop, and a detective, just to name a few. In fact, his continuity got so muddled, DC made several unsuccessful attempts to sort it all out.
His most recent series, which Robert Venditti scripted, was completely terrific, in my estimation. He was back to being an adventurer. Yes, they added some interesting twists to the character, including the fact that there has been a Kryptonian Hawkman. But the core of the character was back, and I think that made a HUGE difference.
Carter Hall, Hawkman’s alter ego, was also strong on his own instead of just being a mask he wears on occasion. They also worked hard on making the hero stand (or fly) on his own before they brought in Hawkgirl. They were all great ideas, I think!
The sad thing is, after that series was cancelled a few years back, Hawkman has largely disappeared from DC’s printed pages. He mostly shows up in the JSA, not the JLA. I’m okay with that, but he just doesn’t get the attention I believe he deserves.
Now, he did appear in the recent Black Adam movie, and he was kind of a blend of several versions of the character. It was nice to see him on the big screen, but that was the one and only time we’ve seen that since no sequels appear to be happening. Sigh.
I’ve loved the animated versions of Hawkman, including the ones in the Justice League from Bruce Timm. I recently revisited the Hawkman segments in the New Adventures of Superman cartoon from the 1960s. Yes, they were fun, full of adventure, and told a lot of story in just a few minutes. I know several people who are upset he has a pet hawk that stood on his head a lot of the time, but hey, I appreciated that they tried something different!
Please understand that being a Hawkman fan hasn’t always been easy. (Fans of other characters that have fallen out of favor can relate, I’m sure.) He’s been killed at least once that I can recall, he’s been slamming people with his mace without a lot of thought, and he’s vanished from the comics racks for years at a time.
I wish there were more events taking place to honor Hawkman’s big 85th birthday, but all we can do is tell other fans what makes Hawkman a character that many of us enjoy.
What we fans have to do is support the characters we enjoy. If Hawkman or Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman appears anywhere, I buy it and get extra copies, if they are available. Hey, even if Golden Eagle or Northwind ever appears, I’m there!
I truly don’t think Hawkman’s days in the spotlight are over. I see so much that could be done with the character, and I don’t mean arguing politics with Green Arrow, either! With science fiction on something of a rebound, Hawkman could really prosper!
However, I’m discouraged when I think of how excellent Venditti’s series was. I mean, it was great, and I grieve over the fact that not enough of us fans bought the comic to keep it going longer! Mr. Venditti has gone on to do other outstanding comics, but I will always hold his Hawkman run high among my favorite comics! I don’t know what other creators could do to make the Winged Wonder fly even higher, though!
I supported the recent Hawkgirl mini-series, but it just didn’t feel much like she was the character. Yes, she was “hipper” and “cooler” and more trendy as a “modern woman,” but the Hawks have always gotten involved with more science-oriented adventures instead of sharing Metropolis with Superman. You’ll always be second, third, or even tenth banana to the Man of Steel.
So, I guess the challenge is out there—who can make Hawkman fly even higher than he has before? Who has the concept and hopefully the execution to make the Winged Wonder trendy like Hawkgirl but as impressive as Batman!
What do you think? Did you read the recent Hawkman series? If so, what did you think of it? Are there other comics characters you’d like to see get another chance? Whatever your opinion, please share your thoughts in the space below!
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