This week, on the Major Spoilers Podcast, Stephen, Rodrigo, and Matthew take a look at another talking animal book – Elmer by Gerry Alanguilan.
From Publishers Weekly
Jake Gallo is an angry young man, frustrated at his lack of employment and easily provoked by perceived slights. It is not until we are several pages into the book that we discover that he is also a talking, thinking chicken. He is no anomaly; decades earlier, all of chickenkind suddenly gained intelligence and speech; by the 2000s they are legally human. Jake’s father’s illness and subsequent death lead Jake to read his father’s account of the early days after the change; this in turn allows Alanguilan to show the reader the often horrific sequence of events that followed chickenkind’s sudden elevation to sapience. Used to seeing chickens as food or worse, humans are not shown at their best as they react, often violently, to this sudden alteration of the natural order.
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