… is apparently a pasty white nekkid girl without nipples.
OH! It has to do with Hulk’s new rogues gallery – they’re headed our way in March.
… is apparently a pasty white nekkid girl without nipples.
OH! It has to do with Hulk’s new rogues gallery – they’re headed our way in March.
Jack Trigger loves comics, and has for the last 10 years. His favorite books included Fables, Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men, Wonder Woman, and the Secret Six. Currently, Jack attends San Fernando Valley Community College, where he is studying film making.
Hmmm. Boobs. I’m in.
The Chrome Loomer!
Lady Nipless!
Doctor Luchadoom!
Lex Luthor in his power suit! (?)
They fight Hulks!
“She’s got no nipples, no clothes and a gun for an arm! She’s THE ULTIMATE BAD GIRLFRIEND!”
That’s funny….. Why don’t I care?
Wasnt she in Age of X alpha ?
Isn’t that the latest ultron thing that pym made? The hot liquid metal chick?
And is that the Destroyer in the back from Thor? not sure about the other two
Rulk has no nipples either. CLEARLY this means he’s behind a plot to steal all the nipples in the marvel universe, and these guys just want theirs back.
And yet it still looks like she’s wearing a push up bra…
This is why I hate comics sometimes.
Since when did Rulk turn into Hulk? I don’t think I’ve seen Green Hulk on a comic in quite a while. Nor have I cared in quite a while.