Scout Comics announced the October 2023 release of A Haunting on Mars, a horror tale from Zach Chapman and Ruairi Coleman.
Here is the rundown of the mini-series:
A hot-headed hacker is forced onto a team of corpo scum tasked with retrieving a dangerous piece of tech from a haunted house. She must survive double-crossing teammates and the bizarre mysterious horrors within.
Mission at the Mansion: High above the long dead Mars colony, atop Olympus Mons, looms Emmeric Deschutes’ mansion. Inside shadows twist, ancient automated defenses cycle, corpses rot and a priceless technology lays dormant, waiting for the corporate Echo Team to retrieve it.
An Unstable Team: The Deschutes corporation has assembled a team of experts to retrieve the tech–Cass is an anti-corporate terrorist hacker, forced on the mission against her will. Fozli is a junkie empath with a sixth sense that suffers PTSD from corpo wars. Paz is one of the most powerful psionics that’s ever lived, but her powers make her unstable. Ryker is a company man, in it for the paycheck, but quickly growing disillusioned with the Deschutes Corporation. Lastly, Morgan is their mission leader who knows more than he lets on. Together they combat the horrors on Mars while battling to keep their sanity.
A Haunting on Mars arrives on October 25, 2023.