After the events of Lazarus Planet, Monkey Prince discovers how he is related to the Monkey King, and the truth of who he is shakes him to the core in this week’s Monkey Prince #12 from DC Comics.
Written by GENE LUEN YANG 楊謹倫
Art and cover by BERNARD CHANG 張伯納
Variant cover by INHYUK LEE
1:25 variant cover by BERNARD CHANG 張伯納
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 3/7/23
After the events of Lazarus Planet, Monkey Prince discovers how he is related to the Monkey King, and the truth of who he is shakes him to the core. Everything he knows is questioned, and how can he exist anymore knowing who he actually is? And did Shifu Pigsy know all along? And if so, why didn’t he tell Marcus?