In April, The Planet of the Apes franchise returns to Marvel Comics with a new wave of comics by David F Walker and David Wachter.
This new era of apes kicks off with part 1 of “Devolution”. The ALZ-113 virus has rampaged across planet Earth, and humanity is crumbling. While well-meaning researchers hunt for a cure, a fanatical group of humans has their own solution: kill all apes. Peacekeeper Juliana Tobon is one of the few willing to stand against them, but the crisis is spreading, and soon apes will witness the true depths of human cruelty…
“Not only is PLANET OF THE APES my favorite film franchise, it was my favorite series of comics from Marvel when I was a kid,” Walker said in a press release from Marvel Comics. “Both the films and the comics ignited my imagination and helped me fall in love with the art of storytelling. To be part of Marvel’s return to the PLANET OF THE APES is more than an honor, it is a childhood dream come true.”
Planet of the Apes #1 arrives on April 5, 2023.