Amazon Studios The Rings of Power is here. We want all Spoilerites to have the best viewing experience possible and have the widest knowledge base about the Second Age of Middle-Earth. This is a weekly Let’s Get Nerdy article series highlighting a different piece of Tolkien I think you need to know about!
Last week I wrote about the new cast members joining The Rings of Power for season two. The fruits of

which we will be able to see in all its glory two years from now. Earlier this year (in October to be precise!), the Hollywood Reporter broke the news of ONE WHOLE ENTIRE CHARACTER who will be joining the show – Círdan.
“Ashley, who is Círdan?” I hear you asking.
Luckily for you, Spoilerite, Círdan is a canon character! This means created by J.R.R. Tolkien and making several many appearances throughout his written work. Since this character is at the center of next season’s drama I wanted to explore possibilities and leave everyone reading to do some sleuthing amongst the actors we’ve seen announced. Maybe we’ll deduce who is playing Círdan before we’re told?
Círdan was given many names by author J.R.R. Tolkien including: Nowë and Círdan the Shipwright.
When alive he was among the highest and most noble of Sindar Elves who was born during The First Age of Middle-Earth. By the time The Second Age of Middle-Earth – and the events of The Rings of Power television show came into play – Círdan served as the Master of the Grey Havens. I find myself writing about The Grey Havens pretty often in this Did You Hear? series. The Grey Havens is the port city in Lindon from which citizens of Middle-Earth depart for Valinor. It’s the harbour we see Frodo, Bilbo, and Gandalf leave from during The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King film. Círdan retains this post for quite a long time and lives into The Fourth Age of Middle-Earth – longer than most of canon characters I’ve written about for you up to this point in this feature series.
TL;DR The Fourth Age of Middle-Earth is the Age directly following Frodo-s defeat of Sauron and Aragorn being crowned King of Gondor.
Círdan actually sticks around Middle-Earth so long he was amongst the last of the Elves to ever leave. It wasn’t until after the earth of the aforementioned King Aragorn that Círdan took leave of his duties as Harbour Master and of Middle-Earth.

Let’s skip back to The Second Age of Middle-Earth: Círdan is pretty important because he is given one of the “Three Rings for the Elven Kings” by Celebrimbor. He carries the Ring of Power Narya until eventually

passing it to Gandalf: the Grey. We actually see Círdan during the opening sequence of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and we do see Narya throughout the film trilogy as well wielded by Gandaf throughout his death and resurrection.
My prediction based on the cast and roles I’m familiar with from the past in addition to the way we’ve seen actors being cast in The Rings of Power thus far? Ben Daniels.
In past articles I have answered the question:
- What Are the Rings of Power?
- What is Númenor?
- What is the Second Age?
- Who are the Harfoots?
- Who is Prince Durin IV?
- What is Khazad-dûm?
- Who is Celebrimbor?
- What is the Last Alliance of Men and Elves?
- Who is Elendil?
- New Pics! Who are Bronwyn and Theo?
- What is Rivendell?
- The Rings of Power First Reactions Are In!
- What is Lindon?
- What are the Nine Human Rings?
- Empire Magazine’s The Rings of Power Covers
- New Character Pictures
- Will Wizards Appear in The Rings of Power?
- New Promo for The Rings of Power
- What is Eregion?
- Leaked! Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- The Rings of Power Teaser Breakdown
- New EW Rings of Power Pictures
- SDCC Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- Who is Isildur?
- The Rings of Power is Here! Read the Reactions
- Who is the Stranger?
- Who is Queen Míriel?
- Who is Ar-Pharazôn?
- What is the broken black blade?
- What is Mordor?
- What is Mithril?
- What are the Silmarils?
- What is Narsil?
- Who founded Númenor?
- Who is Galadriel’s Brother Finrod?
- Rings of Power Adds 15 New Cast Members for Season 2
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