Following the events of The Amazing Spider-Man #93, Ben Reilly is no longer your friendly neighborhood wallcrawler working for the Beyond Corporation (spoiler alert!). He is now something… different. Enter Chasm!
After 19 issues of hard truths and soul searching, Ben is more aware than ever that something within is missing. Consumed with the idea that Peter is the source for all that’s gone wrong in his life, Ben will now swing through the Marvel Universe as CHASM–a fierce and deeply personal new Spidey foe just in time for Spider-Man’s new era, kicking off next month in Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr.’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1!
“AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #93 brings us to the end of the mega-arc the Beyond Board worked so hard on. And though this story is coming to an end, Ben Reilly’s journey is just beginning,” Wells promised in a press release from Marvel Comics. “Keep reading Amazing Spider-Man to find out if Peter can pull Ben back from the Chasm.”
“Get ready to get to know the most terrifying new member of Spidey’s Rogues Gallery,” Editor Nick Lowe said in the same press release. “Part of the point of ‘Beyond’ was the creation of Chasm and we have HUGE plans for the artist formerly known as Scarlet Spider, so keep your eyes peeled Web-Heads.”