BOOM! Studios has announced Regarding the Matter of Oswald’s Body, a new five-issue mini-series from Christopher Cantwell and Luca Casalanguida.
The Kennedy assassination is a rat’s nest of conspiracy theories: mafia involvement, the second gunman, government cover-up… but the most important chapter of this sordid tale may just be the theory that the body buried at Oswald’s Rose Hill gravesite is not actually Lee Harvey himself.
Meet the ragtag group of “useful idiots” – a wannabe cowboy from Wisconsin, a Buddy Holly-idolizing (former) car thief, a world-weary Civil Rights activist ready for revolution, and a failed G-Man who still acts the part – who are unwittingly brought together to clean up the crime of the century, and specifically deal with the matter of Oswald’s body.
“As a Dallas native and born obsessive, the Kennedy assassination and its infinite mysteries have often occupied my stray thoughts,” said Cantwell. “REGARDING THE MATTER OF OSWALD’S BODY is both an oddball love letter and an offbeat elegy to the strangest, most wistful, and ultimately tragic elements of the state of Texas, with a cast of characters you’ll love, love to hate, and be sometimes hilariously confounded by.”
Regarding the Matter of Oswald’s Body #1 arrives in November 2021.