Don’t you just hate it when you have all the qualifications for a job, yet it goes to someone else? That’s what happens to Renee Tempete, who should be the new Galaxy Girl, but instead the role goes to a hottie with no powers at all. This leads to the three issue mini-series from Image Comics Shadowline imprint by Kat Cahill and Seth Damoose.
Based on skill alone, Renee Tempete should be the new Galaxy Girl. Instead, a buxom blonde with no actual powers holds the title. As events unfold, Renee struggles not only against monsters, criminals and giant robots, but also a society that desperately wants to keep her in her place.
“While I HATE GALAXY GIRL was originally Kat Cahill’s runner-up for our ‘Who Wants To Create a Super Heroine Contest’, Shadowline Editor Kris Simon and I loved the concept so much we had to put it on the fast track to becoming its own series,” Shadowline Publisher Jim Valentino said. “When Kat saw Seth’s upcoming work on BRAT-HALLA, she knew he was the perfect artist to capture the mood she was going for. We really can’t help but agree!”
I Hate Galaxy Girl #1 arrives in November with a cover price of $3.50.