Even though I’m paranoid about being listened to, it’s nice to have access to the volume control on my home assistant. I can also ask the Innernets to provide ‘Jeopardy’ questions, turn the lights on and off, check the weather before leaving home and even play streaming music. That allowed me to introduce my kid to the greatest theme song of all, the orchestrated open to ‘Battle Of The Planets.’ Structurally similar to the Super Friends theme, it adds layered brass and woodwinds and truly killer climactic chords to provide a goosebump-inducing cartoon open, leading us to today’s orchestral query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) doesn’t believe that even the combined brain power of the Faithful Spoilerites can find a choice to overcome the BOTP music and the voice of Gary Owens, asking: Which tune is the GREATEST theme song in history?
Elmer Bernstein’s Magnificent Seven, hands down. A full orchestra beats woodwinds and brass every time.
Lifetime achievement has to go to Mike Post, with the greats of his TV oeuvre including the Law & Order “dun, dun.” Rockford Files, A-Team, the Emmy-winning Murder One theme, and my pick for greatest: “The Greatest American Hero.” Not only is it an earworm that made it to #2 on Billboard’s Top 100 , it sets the exact right tone for the show you’re about to watch. And, of course, “greatest” is right there in the name!
for me, it’s hard to beat the Raiders March/Indiana Jones theme.
It may not be the greatest or the best, but Jack of All Trades sure does have a fun one!
Its Knight Rider…MacGyver…Miami Vice..Transformers…Superman.. its Impossible!
In terms or worldwide recognizability the Star Wars theme song has to be up there.