Willow needs some more time away from Sunnydale. After missing her bus, she finds herself in Abhainn with the alluring Aelara where she feels comfortable. Find out what is going on in this mysterious town in Willow #2 by BOOM! Studios.
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Natacha Bustos
Colorist: Eleonora Bruni
Letterer: Jodi Wynne
Editor: Jeanine Schaefer
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 12th, 2020
Previously in Willow: After the events of Hellmouth, Willow is trying to find her identity. Unfortunately, Willow is unable to find herself in her study abroad trip and ends up taking a cheap bus to nowhere. She was left at a convenience store and ended up wandering the forest and finding herself in Abhainn.
Willow wakes up from a bad dream and begins to wander around town. The town is surprisingly quiet and a bit drafty. She is pulled into a retail store where she is offered the perfect sweater that smells like Lavender and Hot Fudge. This smell and texture comfort her and puts her at ease. After walking a bit, she runs into Aelara and tells her all of her problems after bottling them up for so long. She then prepares to head to the Bonfire and she realizes why this place is so comforting. This place is filled with magic and that magic is… comforting.
Abhainn is such a simple place. A place that you can be comforted from the woes of the outside world. There is a therapeutic nature to everything that happens. To the comfort of the sweater, to the light of the bonfire, then to the flower that Willow finds. This book moves at a snail’s pace but ironically it works. Perhaps the state of the world really influences my enjoyment of the story because Willow is so relatable. She has this magical power but so much fear and hesitation. Especially being stuck inside constantly, I have skills that I can’t use effectively because of quarantine. The creative team really does a lot to bring us in Willow’s head and shows us why her feelings are important.
Visually, the book is quite pretty. With simple writing and pacing the art needs to match. So there is a lot of attention to detail on simple things. The image that stood out was the pink flower and its simple shading. I think the symbolism connects Willow (a type of tree) to this flower and we should watch how the flower is featured. I bet you that the flower will foreshadow something important in the upcoming issues.
They say in art you should never add any more than what is needed. I think this comic took a lesson from that. It is so simple and because of that you can enjoy the book and be comforted like Willow was. While I don’t think this series is for everyone, I really did enjoy it. I want to know what is going to happen in the next issues and I want to see Willow find herself and be the witch she can be. 4 out of 5 stars for Willow #1
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Willow was drawn to the city of Abhainn and it is filled with mystery. What secrets could this small town in the middle of nowhere holds?