BOOM! Studios is headed to the stars with Space Bear, an original graphic novel from Ethan Young, that arrives in June 2020.
Pilgrim Finch is an adventurous astronaut bear who explores the cosmos with a mission to bring samples of life back to his home planet. But when he crash lands on a new planet full of surprises and danger around every corner, Pilgrim will be forced to question his orders and learn that there’s only one mission that matters – compassion for all living creatures, no matter the stakes!
“SPACE BEAR is one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on that is meant for readers of any age,” said Ethan Young in a statement from BOOM! Studios. “My aim was to make a wordless story that early readers, as well as kids and grown-ups will love. I hope you enjoy following Pilgrim’s adventures as much as I enjoyed creating them!”
“Ethan is such an amazing cartoonist that the heart and soul of this wordless graphic novel is easily conveyed in every line put to paper. SPACE BEAR packs an emotional wallop,” said Sierra Hahn, Executive Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Readers young and old will be touched by Pilgrim’s journey on a brand new planet as he learns to embrace a world (and unexpected new friends) wildly different from everything he’s ever known.”