There aren’t a lot of second chances in pop culture, so I’m super-thrilled about the return of Howard The Duck to the minds of modern fans. He’s been denigrated by know-nothings who aren’t aware of how good his original series was for too long. Heck, for that matter, I want to see a more tone-appropriate take on the dark humor of ‘Aeon Flux’, regardless of how bad the Charlize Theron movie version blew. (The answer, for those wondering, is “A lot.”) Could an awesome new Catwoman film erase the stink of the Halle Berry version? Or a take on Pluto Nash featuring Jay-Z? How about Heaven’s Gate, only with lasers and dinosaurs? I don’t know if they’d actually be any more popular, but sometimes, you have to give something a second chance, leading us to today’s redo query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) always sort of hopes that we’ll get a multi-Doctor story with The Sixth Doctor highlighted, but that’s probably a yard too far, asking: What box-office or critical failure would you most want to see get a second chance?
The Wild Wild West
(Kevin Kline seemed liked perfect casting… just didn’t have enough giant robot spiders, I guess)
John Carter of Mars. All that the movie needed was more decided marketing.
I wouldn’t mind seeing third, this time well marketed “Escape From.. something”. Kurt Russell could still be Snake and this time even mid-budget CGI would look good enough when used with care. Let Carpenter direct and finish the story on a high note.
Brandon Routh Superman. A different writer/director would to wonders for a new Superman movie with him starring.
I’ve never really gotten over how dirty they did Wing Commander. Made doubly worse that the movie was directed by the guy who created the games, and he couldn’t get his own story right.