They say you shouldn’t go grocery shopping while hungry. I would assert a corollary for internet nerds: Don’t try to write the MS-QOTD while hungry, ’cause you’ll start to wonder who makes the best burritos in all of pop culture, or whether The Flash could make bank with pizza delivery, or even whether Iron Man would be able to make his millions off a nice sammich truck instead of personal armors. Sure, it’s a dumb question, but it’s the kind of dumb question that captures the imagination, leading to today’s double-parked query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) figures that the Crystal Gems would be a safe bet, as Pearl would keep the place spotless, asking: Which imaginary character’s fictional food truck would you trust the most?
Jackie Chan’s wheels on Meals truck.
Johnny Storm’s Nova Flame Hibachi Grill
This is such a fun question that I can’t narrow down even just a few answers for it….