Though I can’t believe it’s been more than 20 years, I’m still enamored of the earlier seasons of ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer.’ Not Season Six, though. Season Six can eat a bug. For my part, I’d be perfectly happy to be Giles, providing quiet support, doing the research in my nice leather chair and singing karaoke while my young charge fights in filthy midnight graveyards. Of course, it might be nice to be a powerful werewolf or a sexy leather trenchcoated vamp, leading to today’s mutant enemy query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) wouldn’t mind having super-witchy magic powers, either, asking: Which member of the Scooby Gang would you most want to be and/or have the powers/abilities/sexy accent of?
I’ve got to go with Riley. He was the closest to achieving a kind of normalcy in his life.
I was always pulling for Xander.
I’d be Willow. (But could I have Cordelia’s looks now and then?)
I’ll allow it.