Dark Horse Comics has announced a new Avatar comic based on the world created by James Cameron’s sci-fi movie. Avatar: Tsu’tey’s Path launches in January 2019.
Adapted by Sherri L. Smith, the award-winning author of Lucy the Giant, Flygirl, and Orleans among many others, Avatar: Tsu’tey’s Path follows the story of a proud Na’vi warrior whose life is turned upside down by the arrival of Jake Sully of the Sky People. What unfolds is a sweeping tale of sacrifice and heroism set during the original Avatar film revealing events only hinted at in the 2009 blockbuster! Avatar: Tsu’tey’s Path features pencils by Jan Duursema (Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, Wolverine: Knight of Terra), inks by Dan Parsons (Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, Game of Thrones), colors by Wes Dzioba (Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, Mystery Science Theater 3000), and covers by Doug Wheatley (Star Wars: Dark Times).
Avatar: Tsu’tey’s Path #1 is the first issue of a six-issue mini-series and kicks off on January 16, 2019.