This week, Archie Comics announced the adventures of Vampironica, a blood-sucking take on the richest girl in Riverdale. This joins Archie’s adventures in a zombie apocalypse, Jughead’s separate adventures howling at the moon, another separate take where Sabrina lives in a retro world of baroque witchy intrigue and so on. Horror comics are nothing new under the sun, having been around since the earliest days of comics, but today’s mash-up culture has given us a whole new crop combining the tropes of classic terror tales with extant properties, such as the occasionally hilarious horror spin-off, Marvel Zombies and the seedier sides of the New 52, leading to today’s chilling adventures of query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will still never forgive DC editorial for what the New 52 did to The Question, asking: Which of your favorite shows, worlds or properties is ripest for a horror spin-off?
I don’t know what to say anymore, because they did one with Archie and made it work. Maybe Event Horizon type space horror Star Trek episode or movie.
Right? They kinda set the bar pretty high with that one…