DreamWorks Animation has unleashed another trailer for the upcoming Megamind movie onto the world. Voiced by Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey and Jonah Hill, Megamind arrives November 5, 2010.
When super villain Megamind (Ferrell) defeats his archrival Metro Man (Pitt), the world should be his oyster. But instead, Megamind falls into total despair. It turns out that life without a rival is life without a point for him. So, he creates a new superhero rival, Titan (Hill). Unfortunately, the new hero wants to be a super villain, too. Caught in the middle, star reporter Roxanne Ritchi (Fey) asks the tough questions: Who can we turn to? Who has what it takes to stand up to this menace? Who will defend the innocent? Megamind! That’s who.
A little derivative of the whole jerk-Superhero/misunderstood Super-villain trope we have seen the recent years. (Soon I Will be Invincible, Dr Horrible) But the trailer was funny and reminded me of “Rainy with a chance of meatballs” (..crazy scientist, female reporter..O_o?) And if you believe the synopsis the movie does include a twist.
When I first glanced this titel I thought this would be a post about MegaMindy.
this mega mindy clip is even better
The chorus translates as:
Is it a bird, is it a plane, no that is not what it is. It’s Mega Mindy you see in the sky
This is one of the most popular children shows in Belgium