Sometimes I feel married to my mobile devices. I go everywhere with at least one, often two of them. Siri even speaks to me when I ask for directions! She knows a lot more than I do!
Can an android designed to meet a person’s needs be far behind? That’s what this comic is all about!
ALEX + ADA #14
Writers: Sarah Vaughn, Jonathan Luna
Art: Jonathan Luna
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in Alex + Ada: “Disaster closes in on Alex and Ada.”
As I’m writing this review, my iPod, iPhone and iPad are near me. I spend most of my time, when I’m interacting with someone, using one of the latter two devices. Because I’m single, this is how I spend most of my time communicating.
I keep up with long-time and newfound friends through Facebook and Twitter, and often meals with friends are interrupted by Instant Messages from people I know on the Internet.
I often wonder, what will we be doing a year from now in terms of relationships? Five years? Ten years? How will we stay in touch?
This book deals with that topic. It focuses on Alex, a single guy who’s given the gift of an X5, a “realistic android,” by a relative who has taken a very distinct liking to her male android. At first, Alex is unhappy with Ada, as she’s called, but as the series has progressed, he’s taken a serious liking to her. After all, she does whatever he says he wants! Who wouldn’t like that?
Alex is a compelling character because he wants Ada to be more than just an obedient robot. He sets out to make change happen, but will it be what he’ll want in the end?
Now that Ada is able to think on her own, she’s on the run with Alex. Sentient androids are outlawed in this universe, and the pair is trying to escape the authorities, who also have advanced technology on their side.
Let’s just say that things don’t go well for Ada this month. And the next issue is the final one for this storyline, so I need to know how this all wraps up! Will this be a Romeo and Juliet story for today?
I love a comics story that has a beginning, a middle and an end. That kind of storytelling is so rare these days!
I also enjoy seeing progression in the characters. When Ada becomes a sentient being, Alex’s attachment to her grows, and he chooses her over his “real” friends.
I’d have to describe the story and scripting by Sarah Vaughn and Jonathan Luna as very realistic and “human,” as Captain Kirk in Star Trek might say. They help us relate to both Alex and Ada as the series has moved forward. I feel like I know them very well.
Of course, Mr. Luna and his brother Joshua are favorites of mine when it comes to unique storytelling. They’ve created some especially unique comics, including Girls, The Sword and Ultra, to name a few.
One of the things that makes their work so terrific, in my opinion, is their ability to portray women characters, even if they aren’t human! Until this series, my favorite was The Sword, about a girl who was disabled. However, when she touched a certain sword, she gained not only the ability to walk like someone who hadn’t been injured as she had, but she gained advanced strength. Of course, there was a fascinating story connected to the sword, so it had me gripped until the very last panel.
Not only that, but Jonathan can draw the female figure extremely well, so his art is ideal for this book.
BOTTOM LINE: A Terrific, Thoughtful Comic Nearing Its Conclusion!
If each of us could find someone who could meet our every need, would we actually want that? Or would we get bored after a while? Not only that, but now that Ada has a will of her own, will she actually want to stay with Alex?
These are just some of the intriguing questions Alex + Ada has asked and are in the process of answering. If I know this creative team at all, we’ll get solutions, but they may not be the ones we’re expecting!
If you haven’t read Alex + Ada yet, look for previous issues or trade paperbacks at your local comics shop when you buy this issue. If you can’t find them that way, I encourage you to purchase the digital versions, which I consider to be the ideal way to read this comic!
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