Rumor floating around the Interwebs is that may be the title of the upcoming Shazam movie, which may or may not feature The Rock as Black Adam.
I really don’t hate that title, in fact I liken it to such great movie titles like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, and Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. On second thought, I hate the retcon retitle of Raiders – but then again I’m not rich like Lucas and Spielberg, so I’m stuck with it.
Still, Billy Batson and the Legend of Shazam! makes me think of the serial features from the 30s and 40s. I just hope they don’t try to retell the original Shazam! Captain Marvel serial.
You mention Indiana Jones as an inspiration for the title, but I think that the title wording owes more to Harry Potter And (insert movie/book title here). I think that they will try to make this movie appeal to adults, while targeting kids.
I have the ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL serial on DVD, and it is excellent. It has been repeatedly voted the best action serial of all all time. You can even download it via iTunes for free if you search hard enough.
Stacy: I have that same DVD , but have only made it about half way through. It is pretty good for its time – it isn’t Radar Men from the Moon or the first Captain Cody, but it is darn good.