Well, you’ve known that for a while now, haven’t you? The elder Petrelli brother had his throat slit at the end of last season by Sylar, and actor Adrian Pasdar continued to appear on the show as Sylar took on his appearance.
TV Guide has confirmed that Adrian Pasdar has been official released from the show since Nathan was last seen shot and buried in a hole in the ground.
Of course Heroes is supposed to be a super hero show, and we’ve all seen how permanent deaths are in comics.
That’s a real shame. Adrian Pasdar was one of the more consistantly good actors on the series. Can’t say I’m suprised, though.
Of the main characters Nathan was my favorite but he should have died after season 2. And of the main cast Nathan is the one most often used as the one most willing to make the deal with the devil over and over again. So its not surpising that his charcter is dead even if there was an obvious way to save his life at the end season 3 that all the main chracters that knew about just forgot about…
Anyways since Sylar is made out of the same stuff Magneto is he is unlike to ever die. Thus this is as close as they will get to killing a long standing villain. To bad but the then again Heroes hasn’t that good show for a while. I wish Mr. Pasdar luck finding a new job.
Got nothing to say that hasn’t already been pointed out….Well there is the fact that this death seems more permanent since it happened in the beginning of the season unlike all his other deaths which, have happened at the end of their seasons.
Nuclear Explosion-Assasination-Throat slit-….and shot at last! (and thats minus the one time he got his skull ripped open by his brother) that dude dies a lot…