Bruce Timm of Batman: The Animated Series and other works created a new short, Batman: Strange Days, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman and DC has posted it online for all of us to watch!
“Batman: Strange Days” – Bruce Timm’s Batman 75th Anniversary Short (Official)
A brand new short from producer Bruce Timm featuring a lost tale from Batman’s past, the Dark Knight tracks a strange giant to the mysterious lair of Dr. Hug…
Timm’s short may only be a few minutes long but I certainly did like the aesthetics of the piece and I always find it nice seeing Batman in a story from a few decades ago.
You can watch Batman: Strange Days and other shorts during DC Nation next Wednesday starting at 5:30pm CST.
The dramatic music, being monochrome and the lighting really make it feel of a 40’s serial. I would like to see more of this style.
Makes me really hope they’ll rerelease the Animated Series this year.
Freakin’ awesome
That v o i c e :) I love this type of Batman, confident but still just a well trained man. Better than the current uber-bat.
BTAS is still my favourite version ever of Batman.