Some are probably disappointed over the news that only 1,500 of the Nike Air Mags are going to be made available (this year), but everyone should be happy over this promo spot for the auction.
If it makes you feel better, the first round of shoes are currently starting at $4,000 and some are already past the $5,000 mark.
There is a pair on ebay that is at 29,000 as I write this. Glad to see that all the money will benefit charity, but I was completely ready to shell out $120 for a pair of these.
I may be a dense, but tell me, do they self lace or don’t they because it’s only 2011?
According to the advertisements, and other things I have read, they do not….yet.
In the video they say “not until 2015.” Lame.
This can’t be a coincidence, the viral ads from Argentine, the shoes being released with their own ad featuring doc and Bill Hader.
This has gotta be leading somewhere right?
After all these years… they still look pretty ugly don’t they?
Wow something I dont want for a price I would never pay, that and they are really hideous.
I’ll pay $5k for a hoverboard though please.
You need to go to the website for the shoes.
You get to play around with a “Time machine”
Some of the background videos you can watch are hilarious.
Dinosaurs are fighting at Jan 1, 0000
Aliens are walking around at Dec 31, 9999
I had to tear myself away so that I could actually get some work done!