Many have sought the meaning of the universe, but only two have the ability to find the actual answer. Your Major Spoilers review of Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon #1 awaits!
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Artist: Will Robson
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics:
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 22nd, 2025
Previously in Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon: Victor Von Doom has accomplished many things, but one thing he has never achieved was finding an answer to why the universe exists. Rocket Raccoon is a genius with a love of weapons and food. Together, they set out to do the impossible.
Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon #1 opens in Latveria as Doctor Doom tinkers in his laboratory. After an explosive failure, he is alerted to a guest’s arrival. He opens his castle doors to find Rocket Raccoon, who had been summoned there. During a meal, Doctor Doom attempts to explain that he aims to travel back to before The Big Bang in order to discover the reason the universe exists. Rocket is able to work out what had been preventing him from accomplishing this, and the two set out to solve the problem. Over multiple days, the two spend time together and continue modifying Doom’s time platform until it is capable of going back to the moment before the universe came into existence. The two engage the time platform and, after an eventful trip, arrive at their destination and encounter something they were unprepared to see.
When I saw that there was going to be a one-shot with these two having a little adventure, my first instinct was that it was going to be a slapstick romp with no real weight to it. Now, it definitely has its moments of humor and silliness, with some scenes of banter playing out like an Abbott and Costello bit, and a few off-color jokes, but there’s actually a decent amount of seriousness to be found here too. What makes this issue work so well has everything to do with how the two main characters are portrayed. Doom has his typical arrogance but isn’t insulting to Rocket and openly expresses his respect for his genius. Rocket is crass and abrasive but also doesn’t hesitate to show some softness as he tries to connect with Doom on a personal level. The conclusion of this feels a little like a cop-out as what the two discover is presented as monumental, but it also doesn’t really have any strong impact on the universe, which makes it feel like an odd sort of MacGuffin to base this one-shot on. But really, the thing that sells this comic is how Rocket and Doom interact and, on that level, this issue nails it.
For the most part, the art in Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon is fine, but not very exciting. There are a few moments though, as the duo travel through time that they pull off some cool things visually, in particular, when they utilize panels and covers from old issues to show Doom’s past. It was a nice touch. The surprisingly impressive part of how this comic looks lies in the word balloons. This is a word-y comic, with Doom and Rocket going back and forth in nearly every panel. But there’s a subtle wavy effect on Rocket’s word balloons that makes it easy to parse out who’s speaking, while also giving off the impression that the way he’s speaking is rough, vocally and content-wise. It’s just a little bit of polish that helps make this comic effective from a reading experience standpoint.
If this was an ongoing series, I could easily see the relationship between these two characters grating and annoying. But being that Doctor Doom and Rocket Racoon #1 is a one-shot, it’s the perfect dose for this kind of thing. A nice balance between the humor and some more serious story elements keeps this feeling fresh. The ending could’ve been a bit more satisfying, but it’s mostly fine. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon #1 doesn’t seem like it should work, but it absolutely does and actually goes on to be a pretty fun and surprisingly emotional comic book.