- Star Trek: First Contact LIVE!
- Top 5 Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes (GHL 294) with special guest John Champion from Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast.
- Star Wars vs. Star Trek (GHL 233), where Ken Napzok joins us to tackle one of the biggest nerd debates of all time.
- Star Trek: Lower Decks (GHL 428), a hilarious and heartfelt dive into one of Star Trek’s most unique series.
- Wrath of Khan (GHL 416), where we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan with behind-the-scenes stories, favorite moments, and plenty of KHAN TALK!
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You can find Ashley on Twitter @AshleyVRobinson and Jason on Twitter @Jawiin.
Thanks for showing up to class today. Class dismissed!
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