Check out the new cosmic time-travel adventure featuring the Rocketfeller family! Can they navigate the dangers of the “ancient” world while supporting one another? Find out in The Rocketfellers #1 by Image Comics!

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: Francis Manapul
Colorist: Francis Manapul
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Editor: Brian Cunningham
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 20, 2024
Previously in The Rocketfellers: The Rocketfellers is a brand-new series that comes from the minds of Peter Tomasi and Francis Manapul!
The Rocketfellers #1 kicks off with the family on the run. In the 25th century, Roland, the father, holds a secret that Cronex desperately wants. As the family flees, Rosemary, the grandmother, sacrifices herself to buy them time. This allows the Rocketfellers to escape via a time pod that transports them to 2024.
Now safe but out of their element, the family hides in Olympia, WA, attempting to blend in by hosting a Thanksgiving BBQ. However, fitting in proves challenging. Rodney, the 125-year-old grandfather, flaunts his incredible physical condition. Rachel, the mother, tries to embrace the role of a suburban mom, while Richie and Rae, the children, struggle to adapt. Richie, in particular, tinkers with a device that inadvertently creates a pool wave, effectively ending the party.
To blow off steam, the family takes to the skies in futuristic suits, leaving their dog to pilot the helicopter. Yet, despite their adventures, everyone longs to return home, but they have no idea when it will be safe.
Initially, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy this comic. The first page throws readers directly into the action, introducing a slew of characters and immediate conflict, which initially felt overwhelming. However, the story quickly finds its rhythm, effectively establishing the plot, characters, setting, and central conflict in a way that becomes manageable, something I attempted to emulate in this review (perhaps unsuccessfully).
While we don’t yet see deep character development, the creative team has done an excellent job showcasing the Rocketfellers’ quirks and personalities. Even in its brevity, Rosemary’s death in the opening pages hit me emotionally.
As a parent, the themes of this book resonate with me, especially as the holidays approach. Though the family’s interpersonal tensions haven’t been fully explored, there’s ample opportunity to delve into those dynamics while continuing the action-adventure narrative. The critical challenge for the creative team will be balancing character depth with the fast-paced plot.
The art in this book is stunning. Every page feels dynamic, and the vibrant coloring makes the characters leap off the page. Kudos to the creative team for their stellar work.
The Rocketfellers #1 delivers an incredible beginning to what promises to be an exciting series. While there’s always room for minor refinements, perfection is overrated. With that in mind, I give The Rocketfellers #1 a 5 out of 5. I’m eagerly anticipating the next issue!
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The Rocketfellers #1
If this debut is any indication, The Rocketfellers has immense potential to become a standout series.