Peter Parker and Harry Osborn have dinner for the first time! Will their meeting spark a friendship, or will Spider-Man and the Green Goblin be doomed to be rivals? Find out in Ultimate Spider-Man #4 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: David Messina
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: Cory Petit
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 24th, 2024
Previously in Spider-Man: Peter Parker, a middle-aged man, is married to MJ and has two kids. Tony Stark gave him a radioactive spider and a new suit, and he became Spider-Man. He recently teamed up with the Green Goblin, and they revealed their identities to each other. The Green Goblin is Harry Osborn, heir to Oscorp Industries.
Ultimate Spider-Man #4 doesn’t feature any costumed heroics but rather a double date between Peter and MJ with Harry and Gwen Stacy. We learn that MJ has recently started her own marketing firm, and Gwen works for Oscorp. (I’m not sure of her title.) The dinner goes well; they talk about kids, MJ’s work, and her representation of Ben and Jonah’s journalistic pursuits, now called “The Paper.” When MJ and Gwen freshen up after dinner in the bathroom, Gwen expresses interest in helping fund The Paper. Meanwhile, Harry reveals that he told Gwen everything about his life as the Green Goblin and suggests that Peter should tell MJ. He then says one of the most potent lines in comics, “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
I loved this issue. I was on board with everything going on here. For me, comics aren’t just about heroics but also about the strength of character when a person takes off the suit. In many of his interactions, Peter Parker really struggles with life and ends up hurting many people. But looking at this table of seemingly emotionally well-regulated people talking shop about kids, love, and life captivated me. Now, Ultimate Spider-Man #4 doesn’t portray the characters as perfect, and I’m sure some of it is a front for the situation, but it was a very human conversation that left the characters with friends and partnerships. With a strong foundation of the characters, whatever happens next will have more impact. And traditionally, whoever says the line doesn’t have long for this world. However, who knows what the plan is for this new Ultimate Universe?
Because the art didn’t feature the action of comics, Ultimate Spider-Man #4 took a more subtle approach. It focused primarily on facial expressions, allowing space for us to enjoy the dialogue. But there are little touches that add a bit of weight. The licking of fingers, catching Peter with his mouth full, interesting hair movement. On top of that, the comic is accented by dynamic color choices and often muted backgrounds. All good stuff for what this comic tried to achieve.
I have liked Ultimate Spider-Man #4 since its relaunch, but this makes me anxious about the next issue. Jonathan Hickman has done a great job humanizing the characters, and I want to learn and read more about what happens. I’ve not been huge on the Spider-Man train in the past, but this came about at the right time for where I am. This, for me, is a 5 out of 5 comic.
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Ultimate Spider-Man #4
Ultimate Spider-Man #4 takes us away from heroics and portrays a human conversation that entices us to love these characters.