Image Comics announced Chip Zdarsky’s Public Domain is kicking off a new story arc in July with issue #6.
“Public Domain is the most personal work of mine to date, so I’m incredibly happy to be putting more issues of it out into the world again,” said Zdarsky in a press release. “I’m writing, drawing, coloring, lettering and desigining every element of the book, so it’s as pure a form of ‘Chip Zdarsky’ as there can be! Is that a good thing? I’ll let history judge.”
In Public Domain #6, Dallas Comics is up and running! But can Syd put aside his feelings and make a Domain comic for a new generation before Jerry Jasper and Singular Comics beat him to it? And who is the mysterious British hunk, Carter Dusk? Nobody knows, but it’s his first appearance, so you better buy this issue and get it graded just in case!
Public Domain follows Syd Dallas, the legendary comic book artist responsible for pop culture’s greatest hero: The Domain! But his sons Miles and David have a complicated relationship with both the creation and their creator. Can they come together and create a comic worthy of Syd’s legacy?
This thought provoking series shines a light on the all-too-common battle between creators and corporations in a world where the billion-dollar creations dominate the cultural landscape.
In addition to a new story arc, Image Comics also announced Zdarsky is spinning off the series with The Domain, the in-universe comic book series from the comic.
Public Domain #6 arrives on July 3, 2024, while The Domains #1 arrives on July 10, 2024.