The new Ultimate Universe features an adult Spider-Man who has just acquired his powers. Can he learn the ropes before it’s too late? Find out in Ultimate Spider-Man #2 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Marco Checchetto
Colorist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: Cory Petit
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 21st, 2024
Previously in Ultimate Spider-Man: The Maker prevented a radioactive spider from biting Peter Parker, but Tony Stark attempts to remedy this problem years later. Now married and a father of two, Peter Parker allows the spider to bite him. Additionally, Ben Parker and J. Jonah Jamison left the Daily Bugle after Wilson Fisk tried to control the media to his whims.
Ultimate Spider-Man #2 starts with some insight into Peter Parker’s life. He is training in his black Spider-Man outfit to get the hang of swinging. He is taking pictures of Spider-Man for the Daily Bugle and raising his two kids. He meets his first major villain, Shocker, who wipes the floor with Peter and later May sees him in the black costume.
Meanwhile, Ben Parker and J. Jonah Jameson hear that Wilson Fisk is trying to suppress the stories about an attack on his life by a man in a green outfit and instead focus on Spider-Man. They agree to investigate that and get the real story. Spider-Man reencounters Shocker, and while he isn’t tricked, he still loses the fight.
I’m at a stage in my life where I’m in my thirties and have two kids. My career isn’t where it could be, and sometimes I just want a change. Looking at Peter Parker in Ultimate Spider-Man #2, I see myself. I know a guy trying to do something new and wanting to see the best in people. I also know the guy cleaning dishes as he talks to his daughter and is proud of his kids’ drawings on the fridge. I’ve never connected that emotion to Spider-Man until this version. I’ve related to his situation and liked his themes, but I could take or leave the character itself. However, this interpretation sometimes feels like looking in a mirror, and I could see myself making these same decisions if I were in Peter Parker’s shoes.
The art here is also interesting, but I’m not big on costume design within the issue. But at the end of the comic, May draws a red and blue spider on a piece of paper, signifying the change of costume in the colors we will be more familiar with. With that in mind, I can’t help but notice the details Marco has included that act as Easter eggs for people familiar with the character while also inviting a new starting point into comics for new readers. Great work here.
When Ultimate Universe was announced and relaunched, I was not on board. The comics to prepare for the new event didn’t catch my attention, and I didn’t see any similarities to the previous Ultimate world. But when I read Ultimate Spider-Man, it was everything I ever wanted from this character. A happy family man trying to deal with newfound responsibilities, and I can’t wait to see what happens. I give 4.5 out of 5 stars to Ultimate Spider-Man #2.
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Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Ultimate Spider-Man #2 plays on all the correct sensibilities to tell a complete story I can relate to.