The Butcher’s Boy, a new four-issue slasher/psychotropic folk horror mini-series by Landry Q. Walker, Pannel Vaughn, and Justin Greenwood arrives in May from Dark Horse Comics.
Tucked away far down the backroads of the Pacific Northwest countryside, an entire town fell victim to the brutal cleaver of the Butcher of La Perdita. But that was more than a hundred years ago, and since that time the generational nightmare of murder and meat has been reduced to morbid clickbait folklore for bored travelers to share online.
Yet some say the Butcher still haunts the streets at night, seeking fresh meat for his larder. Is this a true Lovecraftian horror? Or just the feverish dreams of a mentally unstable serial killer? Six friends on a road trip are about to find out…
“My favorite horror stories have always left me feeling unsettled and this one is no exception,” said artist Justin Greenwood. “I’ve been DYING to draw a horror comic, something dark enough to make you feel guilty for grinning ear to ear as you ruin your favorite character’s life between panels. Landry and Pannel came to me with just that, an idea that allows reality to become pliable and makes good kids do really bad things. I’m having a blast drawing this book.
There is a lot of challenge in telling this kind of twisted story well and drawing this book has allowed me to take some creative risks to pull it off. But it’s a lot easier to take those risks with a creative team you have so much faith in. Brad and Pat have been frequent collaborators for years on comic series like The Last Siege and Crone. They bring incredible mood and rhythm to the storytelling and it’s been so fun to team up once again with Dark Horse to bring this book to life.”
The Butcher’s Boy #1 (of 4) arrives on May 22, 2024.