Cirrus and Roger face their worst challenge yet: their own families. Find out if they can keep their identity secret in The Schlub #4 by Image Comics!
Writer: Ryan Stegman and Kenny Porter
Artist: Tyrell Cannon
Colorist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: John Hill
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 29th, 2023
Previously in Schlub: Superhero Cirrus and dentist Roger have had their bodies switched. Now, they must keep this secret while managing to save the world from Wyrm and smooth things over with their families.
The Schlub #4 shows us the problematic relationship between Cirrus and Roger’s family. Cirrus’s dad wants him to take over the crusade, and Roger in Cirrus’s body just plays along. Roger’s dad berates him throughout dinner for being dyslexic and a failed businessman. Both take the hits in stride while Wyrm prepares to attack. In Cirrus’s body, Roger studies in the library but ultimately gets tricked into returning to Earth, angering Cirrus’s father. Cirrus, in Roger’s body, leaves the party early after emotional and verbal abuse. However, Wyrm’s henchmen attack Roger’s family, and Cirrus fights back despite the limitations of Roger’s body. He is no match, heavily injured, and taken by Wyrm for questioning.
As I read The Schlub #2, I struggled with the themes. I felt like I had heard many of these phrases in my zeitgeist, some from popular media and some from personal experience. Seeing these characters go through with this made me slightly upset for them. That is excellent writing and shows a deep understanding of the characterization of the two individuals. Despite this, the plot and conflict continue to develop. I struggled a bit with the art because it often felt busy and overwhelming to the eye. I often found myself so overwhelmed that, in my first read-through, I ignored the art entirely instead of taking everything in. Despite this, I think the comic is very well designed, and I am excited to see what happens in the next issue.
The Schlub #4 has had good and bad moments, but I enjoyed this story. I appreciate the ideas presented here, and when this comes out as a trade, I’ll pick it up to get the full story in a single read-through. Considering that, The Schlub #4 is a 3.5 out of 5-star comic.
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The Schlub #4 is an excellent comic but is sometimes visually busy on the page.