Blade is the best vampire slayer ever, but even his skills might not be enough to handle the newest threat haunting the underworld. Your Major Spoilers review of Blade #1 from Marvel Comics, awaits!

Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist: Elena Casagrande
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Wil Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 19th, 2023
Previously in Blade: A dark, ancient power has been simmering quietly for centuries…and when Blade himself is the one to unknowingly unleash it, the entire supernatural underworld will come out of hiding to demand he handle it.
Blade #1 opens in a bar with a young woman sitting alone. It soon becomes apparent that the other patrons aren’t all human as she’s then chased by a vampire. Before becoming food, a car crashes through the door. Blade emerges and quickly dispatches the bloodsuckers. As they drive away the woman reveals that more people are trying to kill her. Things then flash back to a week prior. Blade has been summoned to a murder scene by his acquaintance Tanaka. He explains that there has been a shift in the “second world” and vampires and werewolves have been hunting down a woman named Dana Smith, believing her to be the center of something terrible. Back in the present Blade has taken Dana to Tanaka’s house and is trying to learn more about what is going on with her, when they’re attacked by a sword-wielding assassin. Blade is able to dispatch him, only to discover the truth behind Dana’s true identity. He tries to stop her but is incapacitated. Things then flash forwards two weeks in Khmer Rouge where Blade is held prisoner waiting for what comes next.
In the last couple of decades, there has been a divide between how creators have handled Blade as a character. One half has tried to incorporate him into the Marvel Universe by toning down some aspects of him, while the other half has followed the blueprint laid out in the 1998 film. Blade #1 falls in that latter group. The titular character is brutal, decisive, and quick with the promises of extreme violence, and it just plain works. There’s not a sense that he’s embarking on his quest due to heroism, but a desire to murder every vampire he can find. Even when he’s faced with the big revelation midway through the issue, he reacts with a “behead first, ask questions later” response that is a nice change of pace from the rest of the mainline Marvel comics lineup. As for the plot, it’s a bit thin. Things move at a breakneck speed in order to get to the main conflict as soon as possible, which leaves the issue feeling like it lacks tension or any connection to the characters that would make some of the revealed truths impactful. In terms of action, the focus is more on the violence as opposed to full sequences. Fights come off as disjointed collections of stabbings, burnings, and slicings, giving it a stilted look. The issue does leave off on an interesting place, so there is a possibility that this series goes somewhere cool, but right now there’s very little investment in any of the characters or ongoing stories.
The art in Blade #1 is full of flair, with an eye for creative framing. When looking at individual panels or pages, it’s a good-looking book. There is a problem though with how these panels link up. It’s almost like every page is missing a couple of panels to cover the space between the cool shots. But, there’s no doubt that some of these pages are really good-looking and can be appreciated for what they are.
Blade #1 features a version of the character that will be reminiscent of fans of the Wesley Snipes’ film, who is somehow charismatic in how curt, cold, and sardonic he is. It’s just that the creators are so eager to get him neck-deep into the plot that they missed the mark when it comes to establishing an emotional attachment or decent motivation. 3 out of 5 stars.
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Blade #1
Blade #1 has some serious pacing issues that diminish a lot of what’s going on here. It does feature a great characterization of Blade that is nearly worth the price of admission.